1 minute read

Sudden e, Ghristenson

Lunber and Shtpplng

7th Floor, Alaska-Commercial Bldg., AGENIII

Atn.ricln'Mill C.o.

Hoquirn Lunbcr A ShinNfc Co.

Hulbcrt Mitl Co.

Vllhpr H.6oE lflnb.r Milb


6t0 Bo.!d of Tredc Bldg;

310 Sansome Street, San Francicco STBAMERIT

Abrdrro' voh' Rydcr Henify

Hoqui6, \ferh. Doroth! $il;n

Ab.d..o, \frrh. Jeac Chrirtcaroo

. Rernmn4 Verh. Cherlcr Chrircoro

Bruch O6ccr: SEATTLE

N*ionel Beal of Colnncrcc Bldg.


The fourth annual employees' picnic of The Pacific Lumber Company was held at Scotia Park, Scotia, on Monday, September 5. All employees of the company with their immediate families were invited to attend.

Festivities began at l0 OO a.m. and continued until 6:00 p.m. These included barbecue luncheon, baseball and dancing.

Yosemite Vacation

Lee Slaght, manager of the Los Angeles warehouse of T. M. Cobb Company, wholesalers of sash, doors and Pine lumber, recently enjoyed a vacation at Yosemite National Park with his family.

Annic Chri*cora

Bowin Chrirrcoroo

Cethcrinc G. Sudd.o

Blcenor Chrilrcm


2OO HcarT Bldg.


, The adjourned annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., will be held at the Palmer lfouse, Chicago, September 23-24, for the purpose of hearing reports of the officers, electing officers for the current fiscal year, and transacting other Association business. The above meeting is to be held in accordance with the resolution adopted at the annual meeting held at the offices of the corporation in Los Angeles, June 13.

Fred Hawkins Back From East

Fred Hawkins, Fairfax Lumber Company, Fairfax, returned August 27 f.rorn a five weeks' Eastern trip. He picked up a new car at the factory and used it for his tour.

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