1 minute read
Over c million feet of 4-SQUARE Endless Lumber wos used in the buildings ct Hoilywood Pork-cgcin demonstratino the extrq buildinc vqlues which result when this improv-ed lumber is employed.
Endless Lumber is tongued cnd grooved on ends qnd edges. This ieature scves mdny labor hours on the job. Joining over the lrcming members is not necessory with this moiericl. The tongues crnd grooves form solid, permdnent joints onywhere in the course. This eliminctes c vqst omount of the cutting, trimming ond fitting required when regulor lumber joined over the froming members is employed.
Furthermore, Endless Lurnber ccrn be opplied diagronclly without increcsing costs. For shecthing ond sub-floors, diog- onol cpplicction increoses the strength of the lloors qnd walls os much qs seven times. With the tongues qnd qrooves in Endless, scwing is required only ct thJ end of ihe run onq openrngs.
The new Hollywood Turf Club, Hollywood Pork, Inglewood, Coliforniq. Over o million feet of Weyerhoeuser a-SQUARE Endless Lunber used on the roof , subJloors ond woll sheothing.
VIith this double odvontcge of greoter building stcbility ond greoter building economy, it's perlectly cleor why deqlers hondling Weyerhoeuser 4-SQUABE Endless Lumber enioy the prelerred position Ior securing greqter lumber volume ond greoter lumber profits.
II you hove not clreody hecnd the lull story of Endless Lumber, invest thirty minutes and listen to it. Write lor Iull pcrticulcrs.
(Continued from Page 6) ing, is REPETITION. Of course it makes a difrerence what you repeat. Repetition makes reputation, but foolish repetition makes a reputation for foolishness. Although there is a difference between the mere power of repetition in itself, and the other and greater power of writing attractively and convincingly, mere naked repetition has a power of its own. Advertisers fail if they do not get clearly into their heads the power of repetition alone, without any ornament, or paint, or varnish, or fancy trimming." ***
Wm. H. Davis, chair'man of the New York State Board of Mediation and a member of President Roosevelt's commission which studied labor and industry conditions in England, in a recent speech expressed himself as greatly impressed with British conditions. There is no National Labor Relations Board, or anything like it, in England. There is no outside interference of any sort in labor disputes. And there are almost no strikes. When there are disputes and both parties agree to arbitrate, they do not agree to abide by the arbitrator's decision. There are committees of all sorts for all sorts of disputes. There are committees to settle inter-union disputes, so that work need not stop while the dispute is being settled. Large