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Hardwood Fir Ponderosa Pine


Veneers lJpson Board


Redwood Burl


Stratex Building Papers Ski Blanks

Wagon Stock


You cre invited to visit our new plcnt. Come in the first opportunity you hcve cnd let us show you how well we crre equipped to give you unequclled service on cll ol your orders.

Strable Hardwood Company Completes Vacations in Southern California New Warehouses and Offiices

(Continued from Page 10) the same lumber companies for more than twenty years and who know almost instinctively just what the buyer wants.

In addition to the finished warehouses and offices, there is in the course of construction a 75'x8A' warehouse on the rear spur track, which will be floored car-door-high and be used exclusively for Fir Wallboard. This particular unit is to be equipped with a gasoline powered lift truck, which will handle from 300 to 50O panels at a time from car to pile and from pile to truck and stack them up to fifteen feet high.

It is quite evident that this is one firm which has confidence in the future and is preparing for further growth.


Inwood Products Corporation, manufacturers of Inwood, a one-coat, penetrating, waterproof finish and preservative for softwood, hardwood, plywood and composition hardboard, recently opened a branch plant at 626 McKinley avenue, Los Angeles. The firm's head office and main factory are at 1539 Folsom Street, San Francisco, and they have a branch in Portland. Arizona sales representative is Baker-Thomas Lime and Cement Company, 300 l2th Street, Phoenix. William Griffith is general manager.

Inwood Products Corporation also manufactures Increte, a concrete floor finish, and Inoleum, a linoleum finish.

The golfer with the big smile in the accompanyi.g picture is George Reitzer, manager of the Clifton Lumber & Investment Co. at Clifton, Arizona. This picture was snapped by a representative of The California Lumber Merchant a few weeks ago on the La Mesa Country Club course at La Mesa, Calif., while Mr. Reitzer was golfing and enjoying a vacation in the Southland.

George has been associated with the retail lumber business in Arizona for many years, and is widely known in lumber circles. He is a regular reader of the "Merchant" and has been a subscriber since the first issue was published back ln 1922. "I read every item in the paper," he says.


The forty-first annual convention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association will be held on September 2-23 at the Congress Hotel, Chicago, I1l.


Just another reason why this sensational new sheathing sells faster! Two widths,-321' and, 4a", thicknesses 5116", 31d,, and, 518", each)6" long-mean easier fitting, faster application. Each panel is mill-scoreil on 16-inch centers for easier,!-uicker nailing. Complete your stocks of Douglas Fir Plywood now. Order Plyscor-d She-athing today ftom y-our nearesi source of supply.

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