1 minute read


You get a complete q*lity line of roofing prod ucts Triple Sealed for consumer protection-ex' pertly styled-bached by a National Adttertising Campaign beginning in Tbe Saturday Eoening Post for September 24tb-supported by a constructive sales promotional Program' including selling mailing pieces-complete dealer helps. You are backed by a rcalsales organization with the kind of policy you know you can expectfrom Celotex, and back of all this stands a comPany who understands yur problems and is doing something aboat tbetn.

TRIPLb SEALED-An Exclusive Celotex Selling Idea - Shingles - SidingRoll Roofingsealed three times for the protection of your customers and your reputation.

2. OUTER SEALED-S"atins the felt itsetf.

3. FACE SEALED-S"" ling the mrface with a high mehing point tempeed minoal-flled asphah, making a toughery more efectite and lasting nearter surface.

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