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from the mill. and on account of the unusual climatic conditions in this district it is quickly dried. All shipments of dry lumber are made from this plant, not only to dealers in all parts of California but also to the eastern market.

The mill is modern and well equipped {or every purpose needed for machine milling.

More than 2,000,000 feet of Rustic, sidings and finish is carried in the sheds, which cover about four acres. The main shed is 360 x 50 feet.

Their lumber comes to San Francisco by car since the tying up of their three boats. All lumber is loaded by units and unloaded by the Ross Lifter. This'equipment is also used in the piling of gr'een lumber for drying, which is facilitated by ample circulation created by this method of piling.

They also use four Ross Carriers in their yard work and these are a big factor in getting out orders promptly, not only for carloads but also for the loading of their truck- ing equipment which plies in the San Francisco Bay area and into the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. fn October of last year the San Francisco yard operation and sales department were divorced from the Del Norte County operations which included the timber land, mill, etc.

The old company name was changed to the "North Coast Redwood Company" while the San Francisco operation took over the name "I{obbs Wall Lumber Co." and the selling organization with all of the San Francisco and Southern California property and its stock.

Charles H. Jonas is managing director of the Del Norte County operations which are now known as the North Coast Redwood Company, and also president and general manager of the Hobbs Wall Lumber Co. Lewis A. Godard is vice-president and in charge of sales.


Ed Griffith, who has had 15 years' experience in the insulation business, is now traveling the San Joaquin Valley for Fir-Tex of Northern California.

Victor Cima, formerly with Lilly & Crowley, San Francisco, is now with the Fir-Tex organization calling on architects in the San Francisco Bav area.

The plant is in charge of John W. Rhoda who has had many years of experience with this company.

Their Southern California office is located at 625 Rowan Building, Los Angeles, and is in charge of Andrew W. Donovan, assisted by Carl Reeder. The Northern California territory is covered by Leo Hulett, who covers the San Francisco, Peninsula and coast territories; and by Ray Van Ide, recently of the southern ofifice, who makes his home in Stockton and covers the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys.

The name of Hobbs Wall is well and favorably known to every dealer in the State. Their business is strictly wholesale, sales being made only to established retail lumber dealers. They report that as a result of this policy and their improved service they have had a steady yearly increase in their volume of sales. Dealers are cordially invited to visit this plant when they come to San Francisco.


Atlas Building Supply Co. recently opened a retail yard at 385 Bay Shore Boulevard, San Francisco, carrying a stock of lumber, sash, doors and building materials.

Paul Schmidt, recently with Rolando Lumber Co., San Francisco, and formerly with Peninsula Lumber & Supply Co., Burlingame, is manager.


War hath no fury like a non-combatant.

-Charles Edward Montague

The Payoff

Wrote hubby: "Dear floney, I send you no money; Enclosed are two kisses instead. I am frightfully blue, The bills are all due; I haven't a plan in my head."

"Dear Hubby, my life, Need no money," wrote wife. "Rush kisses the same as you sent, With one of those smacks I paid Groceryman Max; With the other I settled the rent."

Before And A

Up to thirty, a woman wants a with a future; after forty, she wants a future wi


If time be of all most precious, r,irastingjime must be the greatest prodigality, since lost time iyhever found again; and what we call time enough {wa$ proves little enough. Let us then be up and doing\,fnd doing to a purpose; so by diligence shall we do more with less perplexity.

One Smart Girl

"I've a friend I'd like you girls to meet."

Athletic Girl: "What can he do?"

Chorus Girl: "How much has he?"

Literary Girl: "What does he read?"

Society Girl: "Who are his family?"

Religious Girl: "What church does he belong to?"

College Girl: "WHERE IS ffE?"

Making It Unanimous

Three weeks after Jessie reached boarding school she began signing her letters "Jessica." Brother Tom didn't like it. He replied:

"Dear Jessica: Dadica and Momica have gone to visit Aunt Lizzica. Uncle Samica is buying a new machine, but doesn't know whether to get a Chevica or a Fordica. The cowica had a calfica, and I was going to call it Nellica, but changed it to Jimica because it was a bullica. Your loving brother Tomica."

A German Who Knew

Every war is a national calamity whether victorious or not.

-Gen. Von Moltke

Relieving Unemployment

"Senator, you promised me a job."

"But there are no jobs open."

"\ffell, you said you'd give me one."

"Tell you what I'll do: I'll appoint a commission to investigate why there are no jobs, and you can work on that."

Never Rescued

"This is the skull of a man who was shipwrecked for two years on a desert island with two chorus girls."

"FIow did he die?"

"I{e wore himself out tearing down the signals they put up."

The Religion Of

A Healthy Mind

Give me a good

And also Give me a

And sense to it at its best. Give me a h

To keep the hy mind, O Lord, and pure in sight, Which, sin, is not app/6d, But finds way lo set it /ght.

Give That

'estion, Lord, to digest; body, Lord, mind th{ iEfiot bored, not whinllGr, whine or sigh; me worry overmuch that fussy thing called "I"; me a sense of humor, Lord, me the grace to see a joke, get some happiness in life And pass it on to other folk.

The Only Perfect

"Tell me, sir, who was braver thanftncelot, wiser than Socrates, more honest than Lilcgfrr, wittier than Mark

"My wife's first husband.t'

The Difference

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation.

-James Freeman Clarke

Home Merchand:sing Meetings to be Held Fot 121000 Contractors

To help the building industry sell the public on the exceptional advantages of home building at the present time, The Celotex Corporation, in cooperation with 600 leading retail lumber dealers, will hold meetings during the next three months with more than lz,W home building contractors, according to Henry W. Collins, Celotex vice-president in charge of merchandising. The first meetings are scheduled for September 16th.

"At these meetings," announced Mr. Collins, "we expect to present both dealers and contractors with a comprehensive digest of the most practical merchandising ideas that we can find. Much of the material will be presented to the contractors in a form that will enable them to use it when talking to prospects.

"For example, each contractor will be given a digest of authoritative merchandising ideas explaining in detail the many current advantages of building a home. Included will be V. P. Ringer's article, 'When you Build-Get an Expert,' from the September Better Homes and Gardens andiHarold Rosenberg's editorial,'This Is a Good Time to grliia.' from The Practical Builder.

"fncluded in the material for dealers will be window streamers and posters, counter cards, newspaper publicity, and'advertising material. In addition to all this material, we will bring to the attention of 'both dealers and contractors the large volume of merchandising helps from other sources which will be valuable to them,

"The theme of the meetings lvith contractors will be 'Now fs the Time to Build !' The program will include the presentation of promotional material. both for selling new construction and for stimulating remodeling. We believe the use of this r4aterial will result in the erection of an increased riumber of homes and in the sale of a greater number of remodeling projects."

Longshoremcn Resume \(/ork

Tacoma, Wash., Sept. |Z-The A.F.L. International Longshoremen's Association tod,ay voted to end its "protest strike" which had closed three Puget Sound ports. Members will return to work to,tnorrow.

The vote was unanimous, T. A. Thronson, Pacific Coast I.L.A. secretary, announced.

The National Labor Relations Board, whose ruling recognizing the C.LO. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's lJnion as bargaining agency in Coast ports precipitated the strike, will hold hearings here, at Port Angeles and Anacortes on the I.L.A. bargaining claims.

The hearings were ordered by the Labor Board at Washington, Mr. Thronson said.

Back From Vacation Trip

Joe Jaharus of Laguna Beach Lumber Co., Laguna Beach, is back from a vacation trip through Arizona and New Mexico. He was accompanied by Mrs. Jaharus and their son Richard.

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