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Cornplete Building Material Plant, lumber and all kindred materials stocked, in beautiful Western Oregon town. Will bear investigation. Address Box C-832 California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Lumberman wants position with wholesale or retail concern in the metropolitan Los Angeles district. Ten years' retail and wholesale lumber experiencegeneral office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last four years with Los Angeles lumber firm. Address Box C-837, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced office man able to do some selling. Southern Lumber Company, San Jose, Calif.
Lumberman, 36 years old, married, not afraid of hard work, wants position with wholesaler. Knows the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley trade. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-839, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Merchants of Northern California will hold a meeting at Stockton on the evening of Friday, October 4, and morning of Saturday, October 5.
A Hoo-Hoo Concatenation will be held in the afternoon of October 5, followed by a banquet and entertainment program. This will be under the auspices of Hoo-Hoo Club of Central California, Hoo-Hoo Club of Sacramento Valley, East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club and a committee representing the Southern San Joaquin lumbermen.
On Sunday, October 6, the annual Parson Simpkin Memorial services will be held at Calaveras Big Trees. Those attending will probably leave in time to reach the Big Trees for luncheon.
Announces Change Of Name
Pope & Talbot Lumber Co. has been dissolved as of August 31, 1940, and its business and properties acquired by Pope & Talbot, Inc., its sole stockholder, which will continue the business and operations under the name of Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, according to an announcement by President George A. Pope, Jr. There will be no gfuange in ganagement,
For Sale
Lumber Rollers-All Steel Frame
4 Winches--+ost $235.00-Fine Condition
Ace Lumber Co., 3135 Kettner Blvd., San Diego
Position Wanted
Wide-awake, all-around man. Now manager of small yard in Southern California. Experienced salesman, estimator, credits, bookkeeper, all-around ofiEce man. Will accept subordinate position with opportunity. Will go anywhere. Age 45, excellent health. Address Box C-835, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
In Southern Arizona a general building material yard including buildings. Wish to retire on account of ill health. Address Box C-838 California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
The annual Parson Simpkin Memorial service will be held on Sunday, October 6, at Calaveras Big Trees. C. D. LeMaster of Sacramento is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements for this year.
Andy Donovan Vacationed At Feather River Park
A. W. (Andy) Donovan, Hobbs Wall Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a vacation trip spent at Feather River Park, in the High Sierra Mountains in Plumas County. Andy reports that there is a golf course at the front door of your cabin, forty lakes in the district, many trout streams, and if you hanker for the sawmill whistle at 7:ffi a.m. there are three mills close by. "If you know of 'any lumbermen that want to get back to nature in a big way, this is th,e place," says Andy. On the way back to Los Angeles, he visited Sausalito and San Francisco. Mrs. Donovan accompanied him on the trip.
New Yard At Bell Gardens
T. O. Thompson Lumber Co. recently opened a retail lumber yard at 6801 Eastern Avenue, Bell Gardens, Bell, Calif. T. O. (Tommy) Thompson, formerly rnanager of Alert Lumber Company's Florence yard, is manager.