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lceep loolcing (fike o millionu BUILD BUSINESS FOR YOU
llqtl:: .tF yo{ thg sood-lookins detcils crre properly desigmed xPcco ,obs stcmg. out o"il dnl stre€t. that only stuccb mqde wittr ponr_ u.re_qn,_smqrFloonng 6nd wlth @-qir LAND CEMENT or WATER_pROOFED ot pemqnence, you iust rl9-, q.I ponfU,l.fp CiMENT is used ior alt :$li".ffg business'lor plcterins ;;;-:':".;d that * is mixed, Hetp GiuJ future volume bv l<eepino opplied and cured cccording to s.^.^r:":,:ll^"L:,1-9Griry. li"tliiroi fit#"i:,-i,Bfif EDrrroN or our rnese Stmpte rules: See that-the structure ie rioid crrd "Plasierer's Mcnucl," covering lotest well-Ircoed thot ihe lase is specilicclions and methods lor molO.K. thqt protective structurcl ing good stucco.
PONTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION appointed sales manager of the Company, Santa Cruz.
Dept. I 9B-2{, 816 W. Filrb St- Los Argclee, Ccllt. A nctionol org@izdtion to improve md extend th€ uses o[ concrete through scientilic reieorch ond angineering lield worl.
Healdsburg, announced interest in the company managef.
Max Price, Roscoe Lumber Company, Roscoe, vacationed in Mexico for several davs.
Replacing Window Panes
FHA officials say that it is practical to replace ordinary glass with plate glass in windows with small panes. It may be necessary to increase the size of the sash weights, as plate glass is heavier than ordinary glass. If thin plate glass is used, the difference may not be great enough to necessitate a change.
Here is crnother outstcrnding smcrll home plcrn selected lrom the E. M. Dernier Service Burecu, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, Ccrlifornicr, whose plcnning service is under the direct supervision of Wm. E. Chadwick, Registered Structurcrl Engineer.
The crddition oI garage lends width cnd cttrcctiveness to the exterior and the well lcrid out floor plcrn specrks oI comlort crnd convenience within This little home wcs desigmed to give utmost in becruty <rnd efficiency.
News Flashes
William M. Litchfield, Litchfield Glendale, spent his vacation at Fallen Tahoe.
Roy Byers, Citizens Mill is back from a visit to the