6 minute read
Ceiling Prices on Douglas Fir
(Continued from Page 13)
For.rough random length add $1.50 to R/L surfaced prrces.
For rough specified lengths add $3.00 to specified length surfaced prices.
No. 1 Dimension-Green, Rough or S4S A.L.S.-
Grade Spreads:
No. 2 Green all widths and lengths, 20' and shorter, $2.00 per M' less than No. 1 Green of the same width and length.
No. 3 20' and shorter, 2x4, 2x6 and, 2x8 Green $8.00 per M', and 2xlo and 2xI2 Green $9.0O per M', less than No. 1 Green of the same width and length.
No. 2 Dry all widths and lengths, 2V and. shorter, $4.00 per M' less than No. 1 Dry of the same width and length.
No. 3 Dry h' and shorter, 2x4,2x6 and 2x&-$10.00 per M', and 2x10 and 1Z'-$11.00 per M/, less than No. 1 Dry of the same width and length.
For Dimension surfaced /+" off, add $1.00 per M' B.M. to the price for the same grade, width and length.
For No. 1, permitting up to l5/o No. 2, deduct .50 per M' B.M. from the No. 1 price of the same width and length.
For working to Shiplap, Center Matched, or Dressed and Matched, add $2.0O per M', Droppings to be included at grade differential.
For Rough dry, add $1.00 per M'to surfaced dry price.
For Ripping and Resawing, not diagonal or tapered, add 2x4--$2.50, 2x6 and, wider-$1.50 per M'.
Plank and Timbers-Green, Rough or S4S-
5xl0 & Orr2..,..295' &rl0 & &r2.....29.50 r0xt0 & lllxlz....29J0 l2xl2 ..,......,.29.50
(b) For mixed car cargo or mixed truck shipments, $2.00 additional per 1,000 feet board measure may be charged. A mixed car or cargo (where cargo shipment is not greater than carload quantity) shipment consists of three or more items as hereinafter defined, provided at least three items amount to not less than 2,00O board feet each, or at least six items amount to not less than 1,000 board feet each, or at least twelve items amount to not less than 500 board feet each. A mixed truck shipment consists of three or more items as hereinafter defined, provided at least three items amount to not less than 500 board feet each, or at least six items amount to not less than 250 board feet each. An item consists of one width, thickness, or pattern of finish, casing, base, mouldings, partition, ceiling, siding, plain end flooring, end matched flooring, shiplap, boards, strips, dimension, or timbers.
(c) For export sales, an addition of not more than $3.50 per 1,000 feet board measure may be charged for the services of switching, unloading at the dock, tallying, marking, and dock insurance.
(d) A delivered price in excess of the maximum f.o.b. mill prices set forth in (a) hereof may be charged, consisting of such maximum prices plus actual transportation costs to the extent that such costs are paid by the seller. In computing such actual transportation costs, the parties may adopt the practice of charging a sum equivalent to the one-quarter of a dollar nearest to such actual transportation costs. In addition, they may adopt estimated average weights of Douglas Fir per thousand feet board measure (worked to standard sizes unless otherwise indicated) as follows:
Flooring- Pounds per M'
I x 4' ... .1800
Drop Siding-
I x 6" Pat. 103,108,111,114,118 ......1600
I x 6" Pat. 107,113,115,117,124 ......1500
I x 6" Pat. 101,104,105,106,112and Rustic J7n
I x 6" Pat. lO2,I@,110,116 and v Rustic...1800
Ceiling- sA x 4" .Im lx4" ....1500
Finish S4S-
1 x 3 and 4" ... .......1900
1 x 5 and Wider .. .2000
Boards- Dry Green
1 x 3 and 4' .2l|h 24OO
1 x 6 and Wider ......2m 25ffi
For Shiplap, D & M or CM-100lbs. less than S4S.
Fir-Dimension. Plank and Small Timbers-
Sarh and Door \(/holesalers Golf Tournament Sept ember 26
The sash and door wholesalers of Southern California will hold a golf tournament at the Potrero Golf and Country Club, 1640 East Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, Friday afternoon, SePtember 26. The tournament will start at 1:00 p.m. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by the presentation of prizes and cards. The arrangements committee includes Marshall Deats, Earl Galbraith and Orrin Wright. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, WYoming 0505' Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Philips, Jr., are the happy parents of a baby daughter, born at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, on September 10. Don Jr. is a salesman with the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. His dad' Donald R. Philips, president of the company, is now a proud grandfather.
Repaving Yard
American Hardwood Company, Los Angeles, is repaving the entire yard and making a number of other improvements. The recent installation of a Ross Lift-Truck has enabled this yard to carry a much larger stock in the same space than was possible before.
Six Sure Ways To Start A Forest Fire
l. Matches. Be sure your match is burning briskly when you throw it away in the woods. Of course a match thinks; that's what its head is for.
2. Tobacco. Thow your lighted cigarettes and cigar stubs and glowing pipe ashes into the biggest heap of brush and needles you can find along the road or trail. Only 40 per cent of our forest fires are caused by smokers.
3. Making Carnp. Build a big bonfire, and place it as close to young trees or clumps of brush as possible. To make sure that your fire will spread, build it on top of the pine needles.
4. Breaking Camp. Don't bother about your fire when you leave camp. The rain is bound to come along and put it out.
5. Bonfires. Build as big a bonfire as you can especially if it is dry and windy. If you build it close to a tree or a rotten log it will burn long after you are gone.
But-if you do any of these things close to a National Forest, be ready to pay a fine and go to jait-wltrere you belong.
There was a man who loved the bees, He always was their friend, One day he sat down on a hive, But trhey stung him in the end.
Shaw On God
George Bernard Shaw, speaking as a layman in an English church, said, in part: "I like to think of my God as a young man with His career still before Him. I hate to think of Him as an old man who strikes bargains with his creatures about the salvation of their souls, or One who has to be bribed or begged."
Too Smart For That
The colored worker vras applying for a job as a mule skinner.
The boss said: "Mose, are you familiar with mules?"
"Nossuh," said Mose. "f krows too much bout mulest'git familiah wid'em."
He got the job.
Many years ago Doctor Wiley was making his famous crusade for the passage of pure food laws in this country, he used to specialize in the following story:
"Four flies, which had found their way into a pantry at the same time, were bent on having a feast, for there was much food in sight. One few to the open flour barrel and ate heartily, but soon died, for the flour was loaded with plaster of Paris. The second perched on the sugar jar. But he fared no better, for the sugar was tinctured with white Iead. The third decided to try the syrup which stood temptingly open. But his legs were soon raised to the ceiling because the syrup was colored with aniline dyes. The fourth, seeing his three friends lying dead, was so overcome with grief that he decided to comrnit suicide. So he deliberately few to the fy poison, and drank deeply. But he is living yet. The fy poison was so adulterated."
Tree Conundrums
What tree its old age sadly cries? Elder. And from what tall one comes low sighs? Pine. Which bears the mark of a smouldering fire? Ash. And which to chastise you, takes your sire? Birch. Which do you carry about in your hand? Palm. And which one tall and slim doth stand? Poplar. Which one bears fruit so gold and round? Orange. And which one hears the sea's deep sound? Beech. Come, tell me, which is a stale joke? Chestnut. And which from a stale acorn woke? Oak. Which tree is cloth and fuel in one? Cottonwood. And from which does sweet fluid.run? Maple.
If I Should Die Tonight
If I should die tonight-
And you should come to my cold corpse and kneelClasping my bier to show the grief you feel-
I say if I should die tonight,
And you should come in deepest grief and woe, And say "Here's that ten dollars that I otee;" I say if I should die tonight
And you should come to me and there and then Just even hint'bout payrng me that ten, I might arise the while, but I'd drop dead again.