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Rate---$z.5O Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.

For Sale

Lumber yard and hardware store for sale. Gross business in 194f$130,000.00. Business will pay for itself in 5 years. Must sell on account of failing health -unable to look after the business. Inquire of D. M. Holsinger, Yucaipa, California.

Work Wanted

Experienced, all rormd retail office lumberman. Six years' California experience. Health good. At present employed but wish to make change to Arizona. Address Box C-907, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Lumber, hardware, plumbing. 50 miles from Los Angeles on main highwan established 6 years, well stocked, near aircraft factory. No city license or city taxes. 85o/e cash business. Will sell stock at less than present cost and lease buildings and real estate or will sell all. Selling on account of health. Address Box 91O, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.

Salesman Wanted

Oregon Douglas Fir Wholesale Firm wants able and qualified salesman familiar with trade in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley. Address Box C-908, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lurnber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleurn Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Repossessed Lumber Yard Bargain

On major boulevard. 1E0 feet from main corner of small city near Los Angeles. 122 tt. x 270 ft. with office and shed. No stock. Easy terms. Formerly sold at $9500.

LONG BEACH BUILDING & LOAN, 201 East First St., Long Beach. Phone L. A. E:rchange NEvada 61566

Position Wanted

Experienced lumberman, married, 30 years old, husky and in good health, now employed as assistant manager of line yard, wants to make a change. Five years' experience, knows lumber, capable of grading. Has run truck, worked in yard, handled counter trade, outside sales, collections, and is a bookkeeper. Address Maughn Atkin, 11625 Sundale Avenue, Hawthorne, Calif., or telephone PRospect 4341.

For Sale

Well established lumber yard. I want a dependable man to take over. Give me 200/6 down and the balance monthly. Keep your money to run the business. Stock around $10,000. Cars, trucks, and lots of real estate. $66,000 in business last year. No stiff competition. This is my baby and I want to see the new owner make good. Character of more importance than collateral. If you want a yard in the richest per capita county in the state write to Bob Rosenquist, Angwin, California. Yard is located in central California.


Order Clerk for steady position in wholesale lumber office in Pittsburg, California. Address Box C-909, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Building, Los Angeles, Calif.

How Lumber Looks

(Continued from Page 4) the Government has dropped, the future of West Coast

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Auglumber as to volume of production and sales must remain ust 30, 92 mills reporting, gave orders as 18,800,000 feet, uncertain. At bottom, intrinsic demand for West Coast shipments 38,221,W feet, and production 27,851,00 feet. lumber is as strong as ever and the need for all-out pro- Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 1t4,444,W duction effort is as great as it has been throughout recent feet. months.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended August 3, 88 mills reporting, gave orders as 73,506,000 feet, shipments 92,792,0n feet, and production 93,101,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 42,324,W f'eet.

The California Redwood Association reported production of 11 operations for the month of July, L94L, as 42,646,W feet, shipments 40,810,000 feet, and orders received 43,685,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 65,422,W f.eet.

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