1 minute read
Thcrr Srt frfpto..eptonce Builds Soles for Deolers Who Srock CETOTEX ROOFING PRODUCTS
Conplete Ronge of Styles ond Colors Bo*ed by Aggressive frlenhqndising Policy
T\EAIERs who have piled up handsome ptofits Ll on Celotex Insulation Board over a long period of years know that tbe tremendoas ptblic acceptance of tbh prodtct is not an accident-that it's a direct result of a consistenq hard-hitting merchandising policy. And the dealers who are now going to town with CelotexAsphalt Shingles, Siding, and Roll Roofing are getting the benefit of that same kind of merchandising help.
In its comprehensive range of styles, colors, and qualities, the Celotex Roofing Line is unexcelled. It gives you eoerytbing yoa need to rneet an! demand, To make maximum profit from today's conditions, stock the I/hole Celotex Line!