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For Smooth, Faster Cutting
If you have nottried the Planer Saw -1h31 ns$' smoothcutting saw f o r woodworkersyou'are missing an opportunity. This saw cuts almost assmoothly as a planer knife, rips and crosg-cuts equally well on hard or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better service. SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO.
4lX) E. Third St., Lor Augeler 220-ZA Firrt St., Sare Franicrco, Calif.
Heiman Cheim
Heiman Cheim, one of the best known retail lumbermen in California, died September 18 in Sah Francisco, after an illness lasting two months.
Mr. Cheim, who was 76 years of age, came to this country from Germany 60 years agci, and settled in Marysville, where he became associated as a young man with the Union Lumber Company, later becoming the owner of this concern, which was establishpd in 1852.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rosa Cheim, and 10 children, of whom Isidor is manager of the Union Lumber Co., Marysville. Leo is manager of the McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose, and Arthur, manager of the McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co', Santa Clara.
Establish Insulation DePt.
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. in Los Angeles, being convinced that Insulation is an established commodity in the building field, have established a sales department and have placed'Jerry G. Brennen in charg-e. This department is selling wholesile as well as retail. Mr. Brennen is well known Throughout the retail lumber trade in California, having been Jelling in this state for the. past three years' He alEo is well veried on insulation problems, having been in that field the past four Years.
After a thorough search- and comparison E' K' Wood decided on Maso"nite for the Insulation they wanted to sell. There were several reasons for this'selection' It is an all wood board, nothing being added for a binder' It tras:ttte same efficiency as ill othe? materials and for sound
I""a""i"S has a higher absorption than any other material handled bv the lumber trade.
Masonitl is used for sheathing, plaster base, roof insulation, interior finish, accousticil -connection, cabins and other uses too numerous to mentlon.
They also manufacture a board called Presdwood which is usei for concrete forms, cabinets, radio panels, display signs, panelling, interior finish, store fixtures, partitions, truck bodies and many industrial uses.
Masonite is manufaciured out of the waste from the lumber mills at Laurel, Mississippi. It is made by lumbermen ior lumbermen and is one of ttte very few products which is sold exclusively to and through the retail lumbermen' Terrv Brentten is conceded to be ohe of the most thorouih insutating men on the Pacific Coast with this form oi-insulatiott ""nd with a firm so well known to the retail trade of California as E. K. Wood, there is no doubt but that this department will be a huge success'