5 minute read
MONOLITH Stands the Test of Time and Use
The widespread us€ of Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement in exterior plaster wogk today is the tribute paid by architects, confractors and builderg to its superior qualities.
The exterior wdls of thousands of homes, business bloclcs, churches and other stnrG. tures give ample evidence of the beauty and permanent watetproofness imparted to these buildings through the use of Monolith.
The tests of time and usage under dl sorts of weather conditions have won for drig cenrent a pre-eminent position in the building field.
Not only for exterior work, but for feservoirs, swirrrming pools, retaining walls-in f,act evety type of concrete construction where superior strength and water-tightncs' are desired, Monolith is in great favot.
Friend and Terry Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 46)
The Friend & Terry Lumber Company today operates one of the most efficient lumber plants in the state of California. Their office is a very modern and attractive one, roomy, well lighted and ventilated, and illustrating well the use of the materials they sell.
Russel Tracy is sales manag'er, and a very keen and active one. The sales are divided into four district departments, this being one of the business hobbies of Jo Shepard, the manager. One man sells luhrber to the local contractor and building trade. One man sells millwork to the local trade. A third man handles the jobbing and industrial sales. A fourth man. the last one added to the force, calls only on farmers. The addition of this man proved a sound investment, inc-reasing their farm sales more than one hundred per cent from the time he started. Mr. Shepard plans to put in another department, the small order department, calling on the people direct and promoting the use of lumber and building materials in small lots, selling to the user direct for repairs, improvements, modernizations. He believes that much business can be created in this way that otherwise goes begging.
It was Socrates, the wise Athenian, who said: "Knoru thyself." Jo Shepard likes to apply this axiom, not to himself, but to his business. It is doubtful if there is a lumber manager in the country who know's any more about the details of his own business, than does this Mr. Shep-
The lumber yard is a big one. They carry in stock an average of three and one-half million feet of Fir and Redwood lumber, including a well assorted stock of timbers of all sorts and sizes. An unusually large percentage of their lumber stock is under cover in their Series of big sheds.
They operate a mill capable of turning out anything from a piece of moulding, tb--Th€*entiie-millwork of a cathedral, equipped with the latest and best machinery, and making everything in sash, doors, and millwork, both soft and hardwood.
1 They do a jobbing as well as a retail business. Their jobbing business is mostly to the small yards of the entire Sacramento Valley, and the very large stocks they carry enable them to giye the small dealer service, and save hirn the trouble of carrying many lineS that he only wants a little of now and then. They do a big timber business with the small yards, supplying them L.C.L. shipments ttpronto."
They especially represent The Little River Redwood Compiny, bf S"ti Frincisco, in the jobbing of Redwood, and carry a very'big stock of everything the Valley uses in Redwood, for this purpose. Quick service is the answer.
In addition the jobbing department sells a number of building sidelines. For instance, they have just taken on the Johns-Manville lin6 of asbestos materials, and have built a new warehouse to stock it. They will add this to their jobbing department. Of course they carry a full line of building paper, wall boards, cement, etc-
(Continued on Page 50)
: The F'ellow Who'Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell ' '
The Fellow'Who Wants to Hire
R&fcr 82.50 per column.inch The Fellow Who Wants to
Young lady wants place with local lumber or dealer in building materials. Seven years' local experience. Excel.lent ste^nographer, good knowledge of book-keeping, able to handle traffc rvork by rail or cargo. Address Box C-220, care California Lumber Merdhant.
Middle aged man rvith 14 years' experience as Manager of retail yard in this state rvants position with retail concern. Now employed in wholesale end. Go anywhere any time. J. O. Harris, Sloat, California.
Modern Lumber, lfardrvare and Building Material business. __Newly established. In growing community. On State Highway near Sa.n Diego. - Fine 5pportunity ior live lumber merchant. Address Box C.223, Cat. California Lumber Merchant.
Friend and Terry Lumber Co.
(Continued from Page 48.)
ard. With him it is a religion, to keep absolutely in touch with every detail of the physical facts of the business. Systems of his own devising have been installed in the four 1'ears he has been running the business that are most admirable and useful. Ife knows what everv detail of everv d_epartment costs, and their cost of doing business is ai their finger tips at all times. Very clever lndeed, and also very unusual are-many of his accounting ideas. But they know just what they are doing all the time. This extendi to their mill as well, where they know the exact cost of anything and everything they miy be called upon to make. There is no guess work.
And in the yard itself, much cost has been saved and unnecessary labor eliminated through practical and ori- ginal methods of handling their stocks. A special built power crane ts one ot the lnteresting sights in the yard. Useful in any part of the yard and -sheds, this powerful contrivance unloads cars, piles lumber in big units, and saves much time and money. Mr. Shepard say it about paid for itself the first year.
- Jo Shepard worked in the yard for years, and the things he is doing now are the things he discovered should b'e done, when he was out on the job.
A book -might be devoted to telling interesting things about_the tri1to1y, accomplishments, and present i,orth "of The Friend & Terry Lumber Company.
Suffice it to say that it is as honorecl in its methods and its accomplishments as in its old age and long continued service, and is distinctly an ornamint to the*indirstrv it represents.
Be Hired
Exp-erience: Purchasing Department, Estimator and Yard \4anager, also building loan finance experience. AddresS Box C-221, California-Lumber Merchant.
Open for position. Familiar with retail, trade. Seventeen years with the one firm which I left July first. Will consider any-p9s!1i_on in Los Angeles or vicinity which has a future. 2019 West 43rd Place, Los Angeles,-Calif.
LUMBER YARD WANTED in exchange for real estate. Part cash. Address Box C-222, care of California Lumber Merchant.
FOR SALE l.umber yard in a growing community. dollar stock. For further particulars wiite 2O7, Half. Moon Bay, Calif.
\il'. M. BEEBE
Thirty thousand Post Office Box
O* Flooring and ltlaptc Flooring tt09 Fint Narional Brnk Buldinl . Tclcphonc Dorglar 9117
San Francisco Lumbermenis Golf Tournament
Sponeored by Douglas Fir Club rrltill Bc Hcld
Fridan Octobcr 5, 12 Noon
At the Preridio Golf Club
Entrance fee for townarnent, which includ'er the Crrecn Fee i! $4.m-Dinner, $3.OO.
Make Out Check for 97.00 and Mail it at Oncc to J. E. PEGGS, care W. R. CHAMBERLIN & CO., 618 Matson Bldg., SAN FRANCISCO
If you can't ettcnd thc Golf Tournemcnt, coma to tbc dinncr wf,icL will bc rt 6:30 p. m.