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MaiI, Wirc or Phonc Yow Spccial Inquirics lor
Lumber - Pili"g - Shingles - Posts
Raitroad and Car Materials - Mine Poles
Prcrurc and Opcn Tank Crcorotcd LUMBER.PILING.POLES
1O22 Millr Bldg. . Sutter 1385 - San Francirco
Agcatr, Cho. tL Sprulding Lo3gin3 Co.
Specralists in Mixetl Cars anil Special Listu
Protect your Buelnece wtth
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Here's a bond issued any amount-fll,00o to $270,- 000 by a company with ovei 1162,000,0b0.00 of assets. This bond participates in company's earnings.
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Bond matures for face value upon death of designated executive.
Also matures in 20 years and pays in cash face v-alue plus dividends "q.r"i to 20 per -""rrt o, more than deposits total.
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When we awake after a and refreshing slceP with organ in tune and at concett pitch and thank whatever gods we believe in that we are alive, well, strong' buoyant and exuberant, with animal spirits at toP notch; when we are full of joi becausc the world is so beautiful' that we love our dear ones and-cq! throw ourselves into our work with zest and abandon beciuse we like it; when our problems seem not insoluble and the obstacles in our path are not insuperable; dx*rle5lrfi4e when we face reality and with a stout heart even if it is grim and painful, and npver doubt that it is good at the core and dl evil is subordinate to good; that even if we are beaten and over' whelmed in a good cause all is not lost;'when we fecl that we live for something that we could die for if need bethat is MORALE.
Colors Flying
Mrs. Murphyi "'n whot dit me Pat died of? I couldn't understand the doctor."
Nurse: "Gangrene, madam."
Mrs. Murphy: "Glory be to God, Pat went down wid his colors fyrng."
An Optimist On Bills
I used to think that monthly 'Were one of life's most About the bills, for I've
To read a story in wide world we all are well. use o'er monthly bills to wail? every one there is a tale
Of happiness for someone who For happiness looks straight to you.
Why even in the doctors' bills
There is a tale of vanished ills.
Modern Girl: "I undcrrtand thc girle of your timc sct their caps for the men, G'randma."
Grandma: "Ycs, child, but not theh tncc c!pE."
Back in thc minds of all lcadcrs in bnuincerJccp down in their f,carts-is the queation: "How fmg rilf it hrtwill it endureP' And alwaya thc setidying ans'rcr ir tbc answer to anothcr qucstion: "IIow wctr, hor truty doca it serve?"-an answ6 that is moral nthcr than matcrialan appeal to pridc in cbaraetcr rathcr ern 3dn or prof,t Busincss that cndurcs i8 labcled todry by thc characcr of its leaders. It *preescs ieclf natcrielly thorgh itr hu-man conduct-its cnlightalcd rnarr.geoGot' itr modcrn practicer, its law of order and thc iurdcc of itr cotrol'Ernst and Ernst.
The swcethcarts from Abcrdccn rcrc nnbling rormd wheo they caEG to a moryie. Thc young Etn ru hir cyc ovcr thc front of thc building. It rceGd o e titlc in lergc letters-'"fhe Woman PaF." 'Jeanr' bc rai4 'I thinl wc'll gang in hcre."
Good Frou Evil
On the occasion of everSr accidcnt th.t bcfallu yoq 8F member to turn to yoursclf and inquire what power you have for $rning it to ugc.-:Epictetua
Idcoti* of tte youtg lady ir withhcl4 but tbc Eclnct of hcr a\\-cr lingcrs on with tbc inrtructor conducting a scimce dtrsc at a ccrtsin high rchool Onc of ttc rcquilc' Ecots of I writtca guiz was: 'Dc6nc e bolt and nut and cxplain tbc dificrencc, if any." Tbc girl trotG: 'A bolt ig . tti"g lile a stick of hard metal such r. ir'6 with a squelt bunch on one cnd and a lot of scntching round round thc other end. A nut is similar to a bolt oty iurt ttc oppocitc' being a holc in a chunt of irm swcd ofi thort rith wrinkles arormd tte inside of thc holc.' Tbc dartlcd pofcsror marked that onc with a largc'A'.