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San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen Meet At Fresno
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club held a meeting on Tuesday evening, September 16, at the Hotel California, Fresno, Calif. Following the dinner there was a business session. G. B. Heubert. Parlier Lumber Co., was admitted to membership. Each member of the Club was appointed a delegate tb attend the State Convention at Pasadena on November 6, 7 and 8, and a motion was carried allowing each member of the club an allowance of $15.00 from the club treasury to help defray his expenses.
The following resolution of respect for Parson Simpkin, Hoo Hoo chaplain, who died at Marshfield, Oregon, on August 1, was passed: t'God in his wisdom has called our friend and fellow advisor, Parson Simpkin, to his reward.
"Parson Sirhpkin was Chaplain of Hoo-Hoo and widely known and dearly beloved by many lumbermen through the United States. He was an untiring worker for the business interests as well as morals of the lumber industry. He visited our club on many occasions and will be missed by all of our members who have learned to love him.
Fire slvept the yard of the American Lumber Co., Modesto, September 11, with an estimated loss of $75,000.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the guality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guesaing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
"We feel keenly, the loss of his friendly helpfulness and advice and our club will always remember him as an ardent worker for our business interests.
"We sympathize with his family and nearer friends in their hour of sorrow, and we trust that our sympathy and friendly interest may help a little to relieve the poignancy of their grief."
The following attended the meeting: Charles Thompson, Fresno; Hal.Ba-ldwin, Fresno; L. L. Walker, Fresno; E. M. Howard, Visalia; R. E. Magnuson, Kingsbury; Cris Sommers, Fresno; Warren S. Tillson, Modesto; George Kennedy, Fresno; Dan Desmond, Fresno; Frank Bell, Clovis; J. E. Frane, Orange Cove; H. M. Cross, Mer,ced; A. J. Crow, Kerman; O. H. Carter, Fresno; Paul E. Galle, Reedley; Elmore King, Bakersfield; H. C. Kofoid, Caruthers; Frank F. Minard, Fresno; S. P. Ross, Hanford; E. P. Ruth, Reedley; J. F. Wright, Porterville; Chas. Schaffer, Kingsburg; Walter Hardwick, Dinuba; K. N. Kofoid, Caruthers_; W. K. Kendrick, Fresno;V. G.Schoeneman, Selma; E' M. Pres,cott, Fresno; E. E. White, Madera.
J. V. Creath, Central Coast Lumber Yards, Morro Bay, was in San Francisco recently on a business trip'
Cuts So Smooth That Joints Can Be Glued Directlv From The Saw
Generd Sales Ofice: Failing Bldg., Portland, Ore. Milh: Wendling, Ore., Sprhrgfield, Ore.
In many rhopr where the PLANER SAW har bccn inrtallcd the neceaeity of planing before glueing iointe hae bcen clim' inated. Thie ig due to the rmooth, fart cutting of thir raw. The Plencr Saw crosr-cute or ripe on hard or roft wood and doeg not burn or rcorch. Made 0 to 24 incher in diamcter.
Column of "'Wants"
TheFellow Who Wants to Buy
TheFellow Who'Wants to Sell
TheFellow \Mho \Mants to Hire
Rate: t2.s0 pe coturnn inch
The F'ellow Who Wantg to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing Mill Machinery for sde. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 18fi) Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike &160.
Salesman Wants Position
Lumber salesman, thoroughly experienced both in wholesale and retail selling, wants position. Prefer Northern California. Competent to take management of retail yard. Address Box C-348, care California Lumber Merchant, 112 Market St.. San Francisco.
Experienced Retail Lumberman
'Wants position as manag'er of country yard. Several years' experience as yard manager and familiar with all branches of the retail lumber business. Can furnish good references. Address Box C-350, Care California Lumber Merchant.
- Just starting a chain of small lumber yards. If you are tired of being a Poll Parrot and being jipped out of your bonus and want to use your own initiative, be your own boss, get on the band wagon. All managers must invest i-n their yard they manage. Your money Jecured one hundred- per cent on the dollar. All correspondence strictly confidential. For further information address Box C-35i California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Used equipment, all f,rst-clacs conditionn for quicl sale and delitcry: Sash and door; furniturc factory; planing mill; sar- mill; and miscellancous. Almost anything dcsircd all the time at right priccs. \trlrite or phohe. Diron & Cbalc, 5810 So. Normandie, Loc Angdce Phoac VE 921t6
Wholesale turhberman of wide experience wonl{ like to.make connection with wholesali 6rm or es mi[' representative. Has been connected witb the wholesale lumber business in Southern Calfiornia for several years and knows the retail lumber -trade. Cen furnish best of references. Will. appreciate an interview. Address Box C-317, care Catifornia Lumbcr Merchant.
A Good Luuberuan
A thopoughly experienced retailer, age 39, waats poci- tion. Last three years employed as yard marager of reteil yard carrying $5O,O0 stock. Also interested in wholesalc connection, particularly in selling. Address Box 352, card California Lumber Merchant.
To Erect 24-Story Building Bend Hoo Hoo Club Elects
, Financing arrang'ements of their new building having been completed, San Francisco Olympic Club will start construction of the $5,000,000 24rstory clubhouse, which rvill replace the old building, on November l.
Harry Call, manager of the specialty department at the E. K. Wood Lumbe-r Co. Oakland yaid, sient a few days during September at the company's Los Angeles plant.
R. H. Browne, formerly of the San Francisco. is now asiociated Co., San Francisco.
Lumbermen's Exchange, with the Adams Luml5'er
W. J. Coleman was elected president of the Bend Hoo Hoo Club at the annual meeting held recently in Bend. F. T. Fairchild was elected vice-president, and Frank Prince was elected secretary-tretsurer.
Crosby Shevlin, Ben Hamilton and C. A. Johnson were elected to serve on the executive committee.
C. D. Johnson, president of the C. D. Johnson Lumbcr Co., Portland, and of the Pacific Spruce Co4roration, re. cently spent a week in San Francisqo. Mr. Johnson was accompanied on the trip by E. James Kock, of New Orleans, director of the Pacific Spruce Corporatioq and repre. sentative of the R. H. Downman estate, who has bccn spending some time in the Northwest.