1 minute read
Let's Hurdte This Mental Hazatd
HIS propaganda about business backsliding . . ' .unemployment^. .l hard times and so forth. It has been shouted iUout so long since this so-called business barometer broke that the nation is almost ready to believe it.
Where is all the money that was in the U. S. A. a year ago? Has it been dumped into the sea? Not much.
If you think that money is tight in your community -just let a cirius come to town with its-glamorous hurrah. They'll- jar things loose, but they won't do ii by shouting hard times to their cust6mers. They'll-relieve their minds of that depression bunk with their optimistic attitude instill so much pep.and pun9.! in them that they'll get action and plenty of it, and they will play to capacity audiences at each peiformance. Which all goe.s io prorr. th"t ittir so-called "Crippled Condition of Business" is in the head.
They are using a bit of good business psycholo.gy that might be profitably app"lied to "tiy business. At least it's worth a trial b..".rr. this'hard times shouting has not moved things forward.
Let's clear our heads of this "Mental llaT'11d"-go out after business . get some of this money that is leaking_th1o.ugh for non-essentiali. it's available and we can get it. Talk business balance instead of what was lost by a handful of speculators.
You can secure and you can give your customers bargains in value that have not been available for a decade-you have a definite responsibility to help your community move forward-the future of your community rests with its business men. Let's start something now or be left in the discard.