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Preparing to Award Fellowships in Forestry

Jot 1933-34

Washington, Sept. 26.-The Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Education Board is preparing to award fellowships in forestry for the year 1933-34.

Applications for fellowships must be submitted, on forms supplied by the board, on or before Jan. 1, 1933, to the Secretary of the Charles Lathrop PACK Forest Education Board, 1214 Sixteenth street, N.W.

Annards of fellowships for the year 1932-33lvere made to : Weston Donehower, Department of Forestry, Cornell University.

John Edward Lierscl-r, British Columbia Forest Sen'ice.

Ralph Melvin Lindgren, University of Wisconsin.

Harold John Lutz, Yale University.

Louis Rene Scheult, University of Toronto.

The purpose of these fellor.vships, which have been gratrted annually for the past several years, is to encourage lnelt who have shown unusual intellectual and personal qualities to obtain training that rvill best equip them for responsible work, either in the general practice of forestry, in the forest industries, in the teaching of forestry, in forest research, or in the development of public forest policy. No restrictions are made as to age, educational status, or practical experience, but ordinarily fellowships will be granted only to American or Canadian citizens who have completed an undergraduate college course or its equivalent.

Grants may be made for study at a school of forestry or an institute of research, on a forest under management, in association with forest industries, or in travel. Appointments may be made for twelve months or for a shorter or longer period, and may be renervecl. Fellorvs rvill be expected to devote their full tirne to the l'ork for the ptrrpose of r"'hicl.r the fellorvships are at'arded.

New Oakland Yard

William Jongeneel, formerly rvith the Redwoocl Manufacturers Co., Pittsburgh, has opened a new 1'arcl at 4051 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland. The business rvill be operated under the name of Santa Fe Builders Supply Co.

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