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You know who the headliners are in every business. They're the successful men and organizations. Those who know how to work, and work hard all the time. \Me're interested in headliners and coming headliners in the buildin€ material business. Why? Because they're interested in an exceptional insulation product.Andwe have it. Canec Structural Insulation.
To be very plain-spoken, we're not interested in selling direct to all the dealers in every city or town because we believe in Sivin€ our dealers in each territory ample opportunity to sell Canec at a profit without being pushed by unfair competition from anotherdealer "around the corner." Such leading companies in the building material field as: Hammond Lumber Co.; Security Materials Co.; E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; Sudden Lumber Comian$ Stochton Lumber Co.; Sterline Lumber Co.; Sierra Mill and Lumber Co.; Henrl Hess Co.; Pasadena Lumber Co.; Eagle Lumber Co.; Blachstoch Lumber Co.; Lumber Sutrub I IVarehouse Co. are good examples of Canec dealers.
These well-known houses have taken Canec dealerships because they know Canec is an unusual structural insulation board combining llreat structural strength with maximum insulation values. They're Canec dealers because they know we protect our dealers to the utmost. They know we insist upon gettingi the best dealers and do not over-crowd the territory. They know we have a merchandising policy which is as unvarying as it is sound.
'We want you to know about this merchandising policy of ours. And we want you to discover for yourself iust how remarkable Canec Structural Insulation is. Write us for complete information.
Canec Structural Insulation Features
l. Appearance: dual surface-one side satinsoooth, the other burlap texture; pleasint neutral oolor.
2. Structurel Strcngth: unequalled by any other insulation board.
3, Insulation: a{ainst heat, oold, sound-maximuo in proportion to weitht, thickness and rtructursl rtrcngth.
4, Rot-proof, vermin-proof, odorleos.
5. Packa!in{:carefully and conveniently packaled in stsndard buildint sizco.
6. Stooks: warebouse atocks maintained in principal Coast oities lor service to dealers.
215 Market Street
San Francisco, California