3 minute read
\Testern Pine Association Orga ntzes Districts For Administration of Code
District meetings were held by the Western Pine Association in September for the purpose of discussing in detail the Lumber Code for the benefit of those who were unable to attend the general meeting held in Klamath Falls August 3O and 31. At these meetings each district rvas organized on a provisional basis on the lines indicated in the proposed revision of the Association's articles of association. This involved election of from five to nine directors for each district, election of a chairman and secretary of the l;oarcl of directors, and of district representatives of the Association board of directors.
The revised articles of association provide for division of the territory of the Association into 1O districts as follows : l-\{ontana; 2-North Idaho (including the portion of Idaho north of the Salmon River) ; 3-Washington (inclucling that part of Washington in the Association territory) ; 4-East Oregon-South Idaho (including Oregon within the Association territorv, excepting Klamath, Lake, Jackson and Josephine Counties, and Idaho south of the Salmon River) ; S-Klamath (including Klamath, Lake, Jackson and Josepl-rine Counties, Oregon, and that part of California lying betrveen the Nevada line, the Oregon line ancl east-rr'est ancl north-south lines drarvn through N[cDoel) ; 6-North California (including the \Vestwood, Susanville, McCloud, Weed and Hilt localities) ; 7-Feather River (including Nevada, the Truckee River rvatershed in California, ar.rd the rvatershed of Feather River above 1000 feet elevation, ltut not including the Westwood locality) ; u--California Valley (including the remainder of the Association territory in California) ; 9-Arizona-Nerv Nfexico (incltrding Arizona, Nerv Mexico and Colorado south of 38 degrees North Latitude) ; 10-Rocky I\{ountain (including South Dakota, Utah, Wyorning and the remainder of Colorado) |
District rneetings rvere held in Spokane, September 7; I-a Grande, Ore., September 9; Klamath Falls, September 11; San Francisco, September 12; Albuquerque, September l5; Denver, September 18.
R. R. Macartney, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., presi<lent of the Western Pine Association. presidecl at the San Francisco meeting, held in the Palace Hotel. September 12.
David T. Mason, manapier of the Assoc:ation, outlinecl the general setup of the districts. ancl the proposed changes in the articles of associatiou. tnacle necessary, he said. in order rnore completely to secure representation of the "persons" of the industry, to provide for local self-government as completely as practicable, ancl to set up n.rachinery for the administration of the Code. Code fees at the rate of 12 cents per M feet of protluction became due and payable after September 1 by all "persons" (operators of sarvrnills) in the Western Pine Division, I\{r. Mason said. Ad<lit:onal dues of 3 cents per N[ feet are payable by full members of the Association.
The California districts were organized as follows:
Northern California District.-Directors: R. D. Baker, Lassen Lumber & Box Co., Susanville, (chairman) ; W. S. Johnson, Tarter, Webster & Johnson, San Francisco; B. W. Lakin, McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud; D. S. Painter, Fruit Grorvers Supply Co., San Francisco, and T. S. Walker, Red River Lumber Co., Westwood (secretary). W. S. Johnson and T. S. Walker were elected directors of the Western Pine Association.
Feather River Distr;ct.-Directors: C. D. Terwilliger, Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, (chairman) ; F. N. Blagen, Davies-Johnson Lumber Co., Calpine, (secretary) ; G. D. Oliver, Hobart E,state Co., Hobart Mills; H. Rowe, California Fruit Exchange, Graegle; M. J. Ragley, Quincy Lurnber Co., Quincy and Sloat; R. A. Colgan, Diamond Matcl-r Co., Stirling City. R. A. Colgan, C. D. Terwilliger and Ii. N. I3lagen were elected directors of the Western Pine Association.
California Valley District.-Directors: Su'ift Berry, Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, (chairman); J. P. Hemphill, Madera Sugar Pine Co., X4adera; C. C. Stibich, Tahoe Sugar Pine Co., San Francisco, (secretary) ; Chas. Schleef, Swayne Lumber Co., Oroville; H. Jamison, Byles & Jamison Lumber Co., Fresno; J. C. Rassenfoss, Picker.ng I-urrber Co., Standard ; E. O. Sylvester, Sonora; K. Nloore, California Door Co., Diarnond Springs. J. P. I{empl-rill ancl Chas. Schleef rvere elected Western Pine directors.
C. D. Tern'illiger rvas appointed to act as chairman of joint meet;ngs of the three California districts.
Mr. I\fason outlined the duties of the district boards, and the proce<lure in cases of appeal. He also ansrverecl many questions regarding the operation of the Code.
L. V. Graham was appointed manager of the branch office of the Association to be opened in San Francisco.
A meeting of the members of the California White ancl Sugar Pine Association rvas held prior to tl-re Western Pine Association nreeting.
Lumbermen Play Golf
H. O. Warde, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., I-os Angeles, r,vas the u'inner of the lorv gross prize rvith a score of 76 at the Lurnbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Fox Hills Golf Club, Culver City, Calif., on Friday afternoon, Septernlrer 22, 1933. Bill Godshall, Blue Diamond Corp., Los Angeles, u'ith a net score of 67 rvon the lou' net prize. Forty-eight golfers took part in the tournament. In the evening a buffet supper rvas served in the Club House.
The cornmittee that arranged for the tournament included: Harry V. Hanson, chairman; Don Philips, Kenneth Smith, Harry Graham, Jack Thomas, W. B. \\rickersham, Ross Illanchard and Ed. Martin.