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Tri-State \Toodwork Ass'n Organizled for Administration of Code
The meeting of the woodwork industry of Arizona, California and Nevada, which was called jointly by the Millwork Institute of California and the Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Northern California at Monterey on September 15 and 16, 1933, adopted the necessary by-laws of reorganization so that the administration of the approved Code for the lumber and timber products industry may proceed forthwith.
The new regional organization, whose activities are to be devoted exclusively to the administration of the Code, shall be known as the Tri-State Woodwork Assoc:ation and its headquarters will be maintained at 521 Patterson Iluilding, Fresno, California. This organization consists of two divisions: Wholesale Woodrvork Division "B", and Special Woodwork Division "C". These divisions are consistent with the approved administrative program of the Code. Membership in the Tri-State Woodwork Association is through membership in either the Wholesale or' Special Woodwork Division.
The Wholesale Division shall be known as Tri-State Woodwork Association Wholesale Woodwork Division "B", and its divisional headquarters are locatecl at ll2 Market Street. San Francisco. California, r.vith Mr. N{errill Robinson as Secretary.
The Special Woodwork Division shall be known as TriState Woodwork Association Special Woodwork Division "C", and its divisional headquarters are located at 52I Patterson Building, Fresno, California, with Mr. L. G. Sterett as Secretary.
Each Division elected officers and directors in accordance with the new by-laws and the directors of each division in turn elected directors to the state board. A list of the officers and directors follows:
Tri-State Woodwork Association
Officers: A. W. Bernhauer, President, Fresno Planing Mi'1, Fresno, Calif.; Frank J. Peil, Vice President. PattenBlinn Lumber Co.. I-os Angeles, Calif.; L'. J.Wooclson. Treasurer, Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco. Calif.; L. G. Sterett, Secretary, 521 Patterson llldg., Fresno, Calif
Directors: F. S. Buckley, F. S. Buckley Door Co., San Francisco, Calif.; D. W. E,dr"'ards, Oakland Planing I\{ill. Oaklancl, Calif.;A. W. Koehl, J. W. Koehl & Son, Los Angeles, Calif.; W. W McComb, Pacific Door & Sash Co.. Los Anqeles. Calif. ; N. C. Pierce, Sorrthrvestern Sash & Door Co., Phoenix, Ariz.; C. E. Priest, Red River Lnr.nber Co., Westrvood (Lassen Co.), Calif.; A. J. Todhunter, Harnmond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Calif.
Finance Committee: L. I.Woodson, Chairman; D. N. Edwards, A. J. Todhunter.
Special Woodwork Division "C"
Officers: A. W. Bernhauer, Chairman, Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno. Calif.; Frank J. Peil, First Vice Chairman, Patten-Blinn Luml>er Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; J. G. Kennedy, Second V:ce Chairman, Pacific Manufacturing Co..
Santa Clara, Calif.; L. G. Sterett, Secretary, 521 Patterson B1dg., Fresno, Calif.
Directors: O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana, Calif .; D. N. Edwards, Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland, Calif.; Geo. T. Gerken, National Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland, Calif.; W. H. Gilbert, Sierra Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, Calif.; W. J. Glasson, W. J. Glasson Planing NIill, San Diego, Calif.; J. A. Hart, J. A. Hart Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco, Calif.; W. L. Leishman, Crorvn City Manufacturing Co., Pasadena, Calif.; W. A. Ley, United Sash, Door & Glass Co., Tucson, Ariz.; S. M. Larv, Southern Door & Millwork, Lomita, Calif.; J. C. ]f clntosh, Electric Planing Mill, Stockton, Calif.; E. J. Nutt:ng, Herring & Nutting, San Francisco, Calif.; A. E. Owen, Camm & Hedges, Petaluma, Calif.; N. C. Pierce, Sonthrvestern Sash & Door Co., Phoenix, Ariz.; C. E. Priest, Red River Lumber Co,, Westwood (Lassen Co.), Calif .; J. W. Shrimp, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside, Calif.; A. J. Todhunter, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; H. E. Weyler, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara, Calif.; T. A. Work, Jr., Work Lumber Cornpany, Monterey, Calif.
Price, Rules & Schedules Committee: J. L. Pierce, Chairman; A. J. Todhunter, E. V. McClintock.
Representative on National Coordinating Cornmittee: A. W. Bernhauer, Frank J. Peil, lst Alternate; J. G. Kennedy, 2nrl Alternate.
Budget Committee : A. \A'. Bernhauer, Chairman; Frank J. Peil, J. G. Kennedy.
Police Committee: J. W. Shrimp, Chairman; E. J. Nutting. Vice Chairman ; to select balance of members.
Ilxecutive Committee : Composed of Chairman, lst and 2nd \rice Chairmen of Division.
Wholesale Woodwork Division "B" l)irectors : F. S. Iluckley, F. S. Iluckley Door Co., San Iirancisco, Calif.; C. H. Hurrtiey, W. P. Fuller & Co, Sacramento, Calif.; A. W. Koehl. J. W. Koehl cS Son, Los Angeles, Calif.; W. A. I-ey, United Sash, Door & Glass Co., Tucson, Ariz.; D. G. MacDougal, MacDougal & Cole, Los Angeles, Calif.; E, V. McClintock, Redwood Manufacturing Co.. Pittsburg, Calif.; W. W. N[cComb, Pac:fic Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; N. C. Pierce, Southn'estern Sash & Door Co., Phoenix, Ariz.; C. E. Priest. Red River Lumber Co., Westwood (I-assen Co.), Calif.; L. M. Rosenberg, Hipolito Screen Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; Joe Z. Todd. Western Door & Sash Co.. Oakland, Cal:f.; L. J. \\ioodson, Nicolai Door Company, San Francisco, Calif. Committees
Offlcers: R. C. Johnson, Chairman, Hammond l.umber Clo., I-os Angeles, Calif.; Merrill Robinson, Secretary, ll2 Nlarket Street. San Francisco, Calif.
Price Committee: E. V. McClintock, Chairman; D. G. N{acDouoal. N. C. Pierce, John Haring, A. W. Koehl. Police Committee: L. M. Rosenberg, Chairman; W. W. McComb. N..C. Pierce, Joe Z. Todd, L. J. Woodson.