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Code Will General Result in
Observance o[ Lumber Ma]ldng
Washington, Sept. IZ._AI article of the Lumber Code under the \IRA which has not received much attention but is of great significance, is paragraph "B" of Article XVI, which relates to the branding or marking of lumber. It might be said that merely as a by-product this section brings about or will bring about a reform in the lumber industry. Under se'ction "B" fifty odd groups of forest products industries which are under the Code "undertake to adopt, apply and enforce branding or marking of lumber and timber products." Not later than January 1, next, the Lumber Code Authority is required to submit to President Roosevelt provisions necessary to effectuate the requirements of paragraph "8" as well as of trade practices generally. Such regulations are to become effective 30 days after approved by the President'
This makes it certain that all lumber shipped in interstate commerce after the first of the year will have to be plainly marked as to species, grade, dimension and seasoning. Moreover, every consignment of timb€r, lumber, flooring, shingles and lath except for export must be accompanied by shipper's certificate covering quantity as well as grade. The retail lumber code correspondingly requires the handling of marked lumber by the retail distributors.
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-'[80. Care California Lumber Merchant.
Of The California Lumbcr Merchant, published Semi'monthly at lar Angeles, California, for October 1, 1933. Statc of Celifornie I 6-"iity-'or-iii'i'o-gct.", i "' ---Elloij Ec: t-I{;a;; Rrbtic in and lor thc 9tatc .!d couttlt rtotc' raid, Dcrronaliy appcarid J. E. Martin' w-ho, .havlns.bccn duly- rwom a"".iraiic to i.*,' i.p*"t ' ioa ' siis th'at he' is the- -Busine ss Manager oi-itri-tatitotaii' f,"i"Ucr Mcrchait, and that thc follgwips is, to .thc best ol bia Lnowlcdge and bclief, a truc statcmcnt ol thc omcrlnlp' -i"ag.ni"i (ana f-. daily papir, the cireulation), ctc, gl thc al6C' said oublication for the date shown in thc abovc captioo, rc(Lulrco bv the Act of Aunst 24. 1912. embdied in section 537' Postal Laws aid Rcculationc. srintcd o'a thc'reverrc oI tbis forn' t9 rit!
.u,,t";,Tlf fl:r"""1T?"xx1"xtJ:?:1"i.1{tii""",fl'tl'trr""tl'":htt"i"tJ Bidg.; Lo! Angeles; Edito-r,J. Q. Dionnc, 3-18-Ccgtrql- Bld-8.' Lo! Ar' geliri Minagia? Editor, J.'E Martiq, 318 Cstral-Bldq.' Los AaSelcli Business Manager, J. E. Martin' 318 Central .Bldg.' Lo-s Angeles.
2. That thc owner is: (II owned by a corporationr-itt name ano addrcss must bc stat.d and also immediatcly thercundcr thc nameE and addresses of stockholderc owning or holding one pc! cent- or morc of total amount of stock. If not owncd by a corporstig9' thc .n?me3 and addrcsscs of ihe individual owners must bc given. lf os-ncd- -by a 6rm. comoanv. or other ulincorDorated coocernr itc namc and eddrcsE' as riell a3 th-&e of each individial mcmber, must be given.) -,- l. E. Martin, 318 Ccntral Bldg., Ias Angcles'
Thc California Lumbcr Mcrchant (a corporation)' 318 Ccntral tsldg'' Los Angelcs, J. -C. Dioaae, 318 Central Blfu., Ins Angclcs.
A. C. Merryman, 3tB Certral Bldg., Los Aagelcr.
T. P. Wicr, Houstoa, Tcxas.
3, That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding I per ccnt'or morc of total amount o{ b-o3dr. -ortciqiJ. or-othcr sicuiitiei irc: (If there arc none, so statc.) Noqc.
4.- Thsl thc two Daragraphs ncxt abovc, giving the tlamca of tEe owrira. it-oci<tr-otairs,'and- ricurity holders,-iI asi' contain lot oltit thc list of ctockholdcrr and sccurity holders ac thcl appear- -uPqn tbc booka of thc companv but also. in cases sbere tbe rtoclholdcr ot lccuritv boldcr apbcair uDon the books of the company 3r trurtcc or in inv other fi-duciarv ielation, thc namc of thc Dcrlo! or cqtPon' tion for -whom such truitcc is acting. is givcn; also tbat tbe rlid tto i,.miiaotrJ coniain rtatimcatr embr-Ccing-affia'nt'! full kaollcdge, 1ad bctiel ai to thc circumstances and conditlons under which ttocLholdcrt ind sciuriiv hotdcrs who do not appear upon the boolr ol-thc gonD.Ft ar trultcc!. hold ctocL and sccurities in a capacity qther than that ol a toni ndi oirnir: aad thir afiiant has no reasoh to'belicvc that any other pcmon, rssociation, or corporation has any,intercat dircct or ihdircct itt i[i-iaia-iioct<. boiur. or 6ther securities-than as so statcd by-him.-
5. That tlic avcrisc number of copier of csch irsuc of thir Dubli: cation sold or distributed, through the mailc or othcrwilc' to Drig subscribers during the twelve months preceding the--date shown above i3 ...:::::::::. (Thiir infomatioa is required fqga {4lv-puplicati-o-ar oalv.)
E. MARTIN,'Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th dav of September, 1933. ISEAL] FREDA R,' PAULSON. (My commission cxpires Aug. 18' 1934.)
Due probably to inertia, there has been great reluctance on the part of manufacturer, as well as lumber dealer, to take up grade marking. Even in cities where the building inspectors require grade marked lumber there has been a frequent disposition on the part of most dealers to find some way to avoid the necessity of handling grademarked material. The difficulties interposed by both manufacturers and dealers frequently make it necessary for building inspectors to modify their requirements' A typical instance is that of the City of Richmond, California, in the San Francisco Bay area, which, in drawing up specifications for a small field hoqse for a proposed athletic field, included the requirement that the lumber be grademarked. After the foundations were in place the building inspector was advised by the contractor that grade-marked lumber was not obtainable. Investigation revealed that only a limited amount of lumber, made by one company, was available in the San Francisco region.