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G. F. Bonnington New President o[ East B.y Hoo-Hoo Club

G. F. "Jerry" Bonnington, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, was elected president of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club for the coming year at the meeting of the club held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, September 17. Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, was elected vicepresident, and Carl R. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco, was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Miland R. Grant, Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, is the new sergeant at arms.

Directors elected are: Kenneth J. Shipp, California Builders Supply Co., Oakland; James B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; A. H. "Slim" Silligo, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Berkeley; Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Miland R. Grant.

President C. I. Gilbert presided, and in a brief talk thanked the officers and members {or their fine cooperation during the past year. He paid a special tribute to secretarytreasurer Carl Moore for his untiring work and support, and expressed the thanks of the club to Professor Emanuel Fritz for his series of interesting and instructive talks on wood.

H. Sewall Morton, in behalf of the club, presented N{r. Gilbert with a beautiful wrist watch as a token of esteem.

Jerry Bonnington in accepting the office of president said he hoped to reach the standard set by the retiring president and former presidents, and promisecl to give his best efforts. He expressed his desire to see a substantial increase in the club's membership.

A splendid entertainment program of singing and dancing, presented by a quartette of pretty girls, received generous applause.

A humorous installation ceremony for the new officers and directors was put on by two past presidents, Earl Johnson and Larue Woodson, and their lines brought a good many laughs from the crowd, which was one of the largest of the year. It was revealed that Carl Moore was the author of the installation ceremony.

Bert Bryan, another past president, who was to have presided over the installation of past presidents into their new fraternity, "The Mystic Odor of Fungi", "uno,r.r.id that this will take place at the next meeting.

Frank W. Trower introduced Joseph W. Simpkin, son of the late Parson Peter Simpkin, Chaplain of Hoo-Hoo, and announced that Mr. Simpkin is now a resident of Oakland.

Returns From Arizona Trip

Charles P. Henry, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to Arizona where he spent several days calling on the lumber trade.

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