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608 So. Dcarborn St., Chicago 99 WallSt., New York City

Without Obligation, send your October, 1934 Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book and Supplements for 3O days uce ON APPROVAL. If we lreep it we will pay you either $24.25 on your 4payrnent plan or iq7.SO on your cemi-annual payrnent plan at the end of the 30.day Approval Term. If we decide not to keep it we wiII return your book prompdy Chargec Collec.

Name .----------

Signed by ----------:----------- ---- Date


Los sale. chant.

Lumber Yard For Sale

Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Mer-

For Sale

Stock of lumber and hardware. This will bear the closest investigation. Location right in the heart of a fastgrowing section. In fact the fastest growing section in the U. S. Yard and buildings can be leased. Someone will pick this up very soon-so you must act quickly. Address Box C-521 California Lumber Merchant.


Second hand pneumatic lumber carrier of medium size. Address, Box C-522, care California Lumber Merchant.


Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. has purchased the S. S. Timberman and will operate this vessel together with the steamers Hubert Schafer and Anna Schafer in the coastwise lumber service between the company's mills on Grays Harbor and California ports. The Timberman has a capacity of 2,000,000 feet of lumber.


Sam T. Hayward, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, is on a combined business and pleasure trip to New York by way of the Panama Canal' He will be away about three weeks.

Redwood Quota For 4th Quarter

The quota for the Redwood Division of the Lumber Code Authority for the fourth quarter of the year is as follows: Redwood lumber, 80,000,000 feet; shingles, 3,200,000 feet; split products, 9,000,000 feet.

Visits San Francisco

A. W. "Bert" Middleton, president, Anderson & lvliddleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., recently spent a few days in San Francisco, where he made his headquarters at the offices of W. R. Chamberlin & Co.


E. A. Blocklinger, president of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., is on an eastern trip where he will visit the various lumber distributing centers.

Fire At Milpitas

Milpitas Lumber Co. lost 10,000 feet of lumber in a recent fire at their yard. A warehouse for hay, etc., adjoining was entirely destroyed, and the lumber shed was saved by the quick action of local volunteers and by a change in the direction of the wind.

Experienced Retail Yard Manager

Wants California connection. Thoroughly trained all phases Retail operations; competent accountant and estimator; and aggressive merchandiser. Handle both City and Ranch trade; can use plan service effectively. Want connection where demonstrated worth will mean permanence, preferably with opportunity to buy interest in firm. Address Box C-52A, California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman

Lumberman, 20 years' experience all phases of retail business. Last geles. Age 40, family man, sober, Address Box C-523, care California

Wants Position

wants position. Knows 12 years in Los Anand not a Has-Been. Lumber Merchant.


Of The California Lumber Merchant, published Semi-monthly et Lor Angeles, California, for October l, 1934.

Statc of California I ci"i'ti'ot-iii'iigetes, l"''

Beforc me, e Notary Public in and for thc Strtc rnd couatt rtorcsaid, pcrronally appeared J. E. Martin, who, having been duly uorn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Businesr Managcr of The California Lrrmber Merchant, and that the following is, to tbc bcst of his knowledgc and bclicf, a truc statcment of tha owncrrhip, managcment (and if a daily papcr, the circulation), ctc.. of tbe rforcsaid publication for the date shown in the above captim, rcquircd by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse side of this form, to wit: l. That the names and addrcrser of thc publicher, editor. urnetina editor. snd business man.gers ere: Publishcr, J, C. Dionnc, 316 Ccntre-l Bldg., Lor Angelesl Editoi, J. C. Dionne,3!8-Central Bldg., Lr Algeles; Managing Editor, .T. E. Martin, 318 Ccntral Bldg., Ian Anfplcr; Business Manager, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. sworn to and subscribed b.ro,. -.J'tPi"

2, That the owner is: (Il owned by a corporrtion, itr nemc rnd addrcss must be statod and also immediatelv -thereunder thc nemce ud addrcsscs of stockholders owning or holdiirg one Dcr ccot or morc of total amount of stock. If not owned by a -corporstion, the namcr and addresses of the individual owners muit bc ciicn. If'on'ned by r 6rm, company, or othcr unincorporated concern, ftr nemc end addriet, es well as those of each individual member. must be givcn.)

Thc California Lumber Merchant (a corporatioo), 318 Central Btdg., Lot Angeles.

J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angelcs.

J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.

A. C, Merryman, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angclcr.

T. P. Wier, Houston, Texas.

3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other sccuritt holders owning or holding I Der cent or more of total amount of. bondr. mortgages, or othcr securities are: (If therc arc nonc, so state.) Nonc.

4, That thc two paragraphs ncxt above, givilg thc nemcr of tho owncrs, stockholders, and security holdcrr, if ani. contein not oolt the list of ltocLholders and security holders as they aoocar uoon thc books of the company but also, in caser rherc ihc-itoclhdldcr or security holder alrpears upon -the bookr of thc ompeny ra trurtca or in any other fiduciary relation, the lame of thc Dcrron or oorDorl- tion for whom such trustee i! acting, it givca; ako th.t thc rrid t:o paragraphr contain rtstcmentg cmbracing affiant't full taotlcdrc rnd bclicf as to thc circumstances and condiiionr ulder rhich rtoclholdcn and security holders who do not appcar upoa thc booh of thc conpely a! trultcer, hold stock and gecurities in a caDacity other thar that-of r bona fidc orncr; and this afiiant has no reasoh to belicvc that any othes pcrson, a3rociatioa, or corporation has any intcrest direct or indircct ia thc said rtock, bmdr, or other rccurities than ar !o .tatcd bv him.

5. That thc averagc number of copier of cacb irruc of thir onbll- cation sold or distributed. through the mails or othcrwire, to- orid subscribers during the twelve months preeding the date shown abovi ir (This information is required from daily publicrtioor onlr.)

X$;*TlY'"P"S:mn#::"ffi: TSEALI

FREDA R. PAULSON. (My commission expires Aug. 18, 1938.)


E. E. Arthur, district representative, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, San Francisco, was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles omce, where he conferred with Chas. Miller, district representative in the Southern California territory.

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