2 minute read


Adds To Warehouse Space

California Builders Supply Company, Oakland, distributors of -Big Timber- plywood and wallboard, recently took on extra warehouse space of 10,000 square feet to enable them to handle additional wallboard stock.

Lumbermen Enjoy First Air Trip

Piloting the three-place Fairchild cabin plane which he flies regularly. George W. Gorman, sales manager, Hdmmond Lumber Company, took "Gene" Rutledge, Eastern sales manager for the company, and E. E. "Abe" Abrahamson, assistant sales manager at San Francisco, for ttreir first airplane ride, September 21. George flew them over the Golden Gate and the entire San Francisco Bay district, giving them the opportunity of inspecting the trvo Bay bridges from above. Both saicl they enjoyed their new experience very much.

Council Meets In San Francisco

California Lumbermen's Council held its monthly meeting at the Commercial Club, San Francisco, September 20, with President George Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, in the chair.

The Council's offices are at 1107 Merchants Exchange Building, San Francisco. I. L. Walker is secretary-manag'er.

Sales Managers Visit Mill

W. E. "Gene" Rutledge, Eastern sales manager for the Hammond Lumber Company, with headquaite.s in New York City, and George Knab, sales manager for the company at Chicago, were recently at the head office in San Francisco for a sales conference. Both spent a few days at the mill at Samoa, Humboldt Countv.

Lumberman Buys Plane

H. B. "Chad" Chadbourne, of the Salinas Lumber Company, Salinas, has purchased a Curtiss-Wright Travelair plane, and is taking instructions to become a pilot. He expects to be flying solo very soon.

Mr. Chadbourne had his first experience in flying just a few weeks ago when he flew from Alameda to San Luis Obispo, and later from Alameda to the lfammond mill at Samoa and return with George Gorman, sales manager, Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco.

Spends Two Weeks In Main Office

G. A. Kramer, salesman for The Pacific Lumber Company in the Sacramento Valley, spent the last two weeks at the main office in San Francisco, pinch-hitting during the absence of various members of the sales organjzation.


George R. Kendrick, district sales manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, San Fran,cisco, returned September 23 from a business trip to Los Angeles.


Nature's heart rejoicing, Birds in plumage gay, Rosy dawnlight smiling Through rifted clouds of grey; Golden poppies waking At the sun's behest, And this is California Our homeland of the west.

\A'inds of dour November,

Dead leaves swirling by, Copious showers falling From a lowering sky; Green grass softly creeping Over earth's brown breast. And this, my lads and lassies, Is winter in the west.

Tapestries of color

Over hill and dorvn, Wilful breezes playing All about the town; Trees in fairy raiment, Wild geese on the wing, And this, my lads and lassies, Is California spring.

Poppy fields and forests, Lakes and babbling streams; Realms rvhere romance lingers, Trails where memory dreams; Shores of rnagic beauty, Towering, snow crowned crest. And this is California, Our homeland of the west.


FHA Increases Building Activity

According to figures released by the United States Department of Labor, the second quarter of 1935, compared with the same period in 1934, shorvs a 15O per cent increase in residential building. a 3O per cent increase in non-residential building, and a D per cent increase in alterations, additions and repairs in the field of construction activity. This improvement, the Department reports, is chiefly the result of Better Housing campaigns sponsored throughout the nation by the Federal Housing Administration in conjunction rvith the credit facilities offered by the National Housing Act.

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