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The House ol Friendly Service
Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, rvas elected president of East Bay Hoo Hbo Club No. 39 at the club's annual meeting held at Hotel Coit, Oakland, September 23.
Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, was elected vice president, and Carl R. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Company, San Francisco, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
The nerv directors are Miland Grant, Western Door & Sash Cbmpany, Oakland; Kenneth Shipp, California Builders' Supply Company, Oakland; Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland; J. Ross Kinney, Zenith Mill & I-umber Company, Oakland, and S. C. Forsey, Eureka Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland.
The retiring president, G. F. "Jerry" Bonnington, thanked .the members and directors for their support during the past year, and the new president, Gordon Pierce, expressed the hope that the club will soon rank as one of the best servicc clubs in the city.
Bert Bryan, on behalf of the club, presented Jerry Bonnington with a handsome wrist watch as a token of the club's appreciation of his work as president.
Clem Fraser, on behalf of the past presidepts of the club, presented Secretary' CarI Moore, who is starting his ninth consecutive year as secretary-treasurer, with a very fine pocket watch, in appreciation of his untiring efforts for the good of the organization.
Bert Bryan made a plea for the support of the new International Order of Hoo Hoo, which is paying ofi the debts incurred by the old organization.
Frank W. Trower explained the arrangements for the Parson Simpkin Memorial Service at Calaveras Big Trees on Sunday, October 6.
Harold C. Austin, Oakland real estate operator, was the speaker of the evening. His subject was "Building Our Prosperity."
J. E. Morris, assistant general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Tacoma, was recently in Los Angeles on a business trip.