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ADVERTISING Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half lnch.


Retail lumber yard for sale in ideal drawing community. First class improvements and one of the best locations in the city. 12 miles from Los Angeles. Will make attractive price. Address Box C-568, California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We can offer some yard sites with sheds, offices and racks, but without stock or equipment, on attractive terms. In addition we have some good buys in going lumber yards. Twohy Lumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

108th Edition of Lumb€rmen's Credit Association

"Lumber Dealers, and furniture and other woodworking factories, in increasing number have fought their way into a position of good credit standing so that the average risk involved in selling to these lines of trade is gradually growing less. Nevertheless, it would be well for a long time to come, to investigate the ,condition of each customer and prospect with unusual care, as return to good credit standing has not been uniform.

"Furthermore, even customers and prospects who have attained an improved credit standing since the rvorst of the depression, are not necessarily in that condition now, as the'recovery of some of them was not on a firm foundation, and they have now slipped back into a dangerous position. Also, as a number of shoe string ventures are springing up, all new accounts need unusual investigation, and this can best be done with the aid of a modern credit reporting service." Thus writes William Clancy, Jr., Vice-President and General l\{anager of the Ltrmbermen's Credit Association, fnc., publishers of the Lumbermen's Red and Blue Book Credit Reporting and Collection Service, the consolidation of the two former credit rating book services covering lumber dealers, and furniture and otherivoodworking factories.

The Association has just published the 108th edition of the reference book which is the keystone of the service, and those who have not used the service since the consolidation would do well to use it now because of new features and improvements. In this connection, they offer at this time a 30 day approval plan, the details of which are available by addressing them at their home office at 608 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., or their eastern headquarters at 99 Wall Street, New York CitY.

Place rvanted by office. Not afraid rounding territory. ber Merchant.

experienced lumberman, either yard or of work-prefer Los Angeles or surAddress Box C-569, California Lum-


Lumberman with 25 years' experience all branches lumber business wants positio,n wholesale or retail. Address Box C-567, California Lumber Merchant.

Good Opportunity

Are you a lumberman who can handle FHA prospects, close sales and arrange loans? If so address Box C-570 California Lumber Merchant.

Prepare lor Ffte Preventron Week

Preparations for participation in National Fire Prevention Week, to be held from October 6 to 12, by business, civic, and industrial organizations throughout Southern California were under way today with plans being mapped for a series of daily programs and demonstrations in this annual campaign against fire and its devastations.

National cooperation of radio, press, and poster display facilities during this week are to aid in bringing before the public the needless tragedies caused by the thousands of fires which occur each year throughout the United States with their millions of dollars of costs and the loss of thousands of lives.

Participation by the Federal Housing Administration is to be a special feature because of the direct interest of this agency in the effective and healthful housing of the American people. Added FHA interest in this program results from the clauses of the National Housing Act which encourage high quality construction, with a view to fire prevention, and the replacement of obsolete wiring systems, out-of-date heating equipment, and other fire-causing factors.

L. A. Chest Headquarters Busy

The headquarters of the Community Chest at 855 SoHill Street, Los Angeles, present scenes of great activity preparing for the coming 1935 Community Chest Appeal. Among the committee chairmen Stephen M. Griffith is chairman of the Building Material and Construction committee, while Shannon Crandall is general chairman of the Trade Group. lfoward S. Dudley is general campaign chairman.

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