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ilV 6la&Mik Stnul

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Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some Lcss

The Surest Sign

Here is a timely short story. One waitress said to another: "Sadie, the war is just about over." The other said: "What makes you think so?"

Reveille Net Revenue Goes to Red Cross

The finance committee of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, Oakland, reports that after all expenses u'ere paid the 1944 Reveille shou'ed a net profit of $600.00. This entire fund was turned over to the Oakland Cl.raoter of the American Red Cross.

Opens Fresno Olfice

United States l)lyu'ood Corporation has openecl an of6ce at 505 Mason Building, Fresno 1, Calif. John D. Patriquin is resident manager. The telephone numl>er is 2-2266.

The first said: "I don't think so-I KNOW so."

The other said: "f{ow do you know so?"


Leroy J. Riddle Buys Yard

Leroy J. Riddle, well known retail lumberman rvho man-rged the Delano, Calif., yard of King Lumber Co. for ser. eral years, recently purchased tl-re yard of the Hirt Building Nfaterials Co.. Lafavette. Calif.

Brand New Lumbermcn

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tvson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Jimmie, born August 29.

Mr. Tyson is presiclent of Wholesale I-umber Distributors. Inc.. Oakland.

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