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Obituaries I
l'{. Sewall Morton
H. Seu'all N[orton, president of the u'holesale lumber firm of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, passed an'a1' suddenly at his horr.re in Oakland on Septeml..er L7.
tle l'as a native San Franciscan. His granclfather, John Morton, was a partner of the late James G. Fair in his early California operations. He rr'as associatecl 'ivith his father, Wrn. R. Mortou, in the draying bttsiness for some tirne, but tn l9O7 entered tl.re lumber business. Following three 1,ears of sar.r'milling experience he r'r'orked for Pollarcl & Co., u,holesalers and manufactttrers, San Francisco. Then he rvas n,ith Sttnset Lumlter Co., Oakland, for 10 years, the last {our years as assistant manager.
In 1918 he formed a partnership rvith L. S. Hill' an Oregon ,san'rnill operator, and after Mr. Hill's death carried on the business under the same firm name, Hill & Morton, Inc.
Mr. Morton is survived by his widorv, Mrs. Flora Mae Morton, a sister, Mrs. James S. Weltster; Sr., and a brother, Wm. R. Morton.
He l'as a member of the Oakland Rotary Clull, a past presiclent of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, Oakland, president of the Oakland I-au'n I]ou'ling Clult, and a memller of the F-lks [,rr 25 years.
Funeral services, attended lty a large nttmber of lumbermen, rvere l.reld in Oakland, on \Ateduesclay, Septemher 20.
Charler H. Chapman
Cl.rarles H. Chapman, Santa Ana retail lumllerman and civic leader, passed away on September 18 follorving a heart attack. He rvas 69 years of age. , Rorn ir.r Kansas, he moved to Santa Ana forty-one ycars ago. After a brief aflrliation rvith tlte Griffith I-ttmber Companv, he establishecl his orvn firm there, the C. I{. Chapman Lun'rber Co., u'hich he headed until his death.
He servecl as a city coturcilman for eight 1'ears before being elected supervisor from tl-re First (Santa Ana) district, a position he held for tu.o terms. Then l-re was ap- pointed county appraiser of all the real estate taken by the government to build the vast Prado dam. After several years out of public life, he u'as called back again lvhen he was named county purchasing agent in 1942, and he was serving in that capacity u'hen first taken ill last December' He rnade an excellent recovery of his health, and lras ablc to concluct business again at his lumber yard until about tu'o lveeks before his death.
He rvas a member of Santa Ana lodge No. 241, F. arrd A.M., a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner.
Surviving are his widou', Mrs. Myrtle M. Chaprnan; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Dane, Mrs. Elva E' Hill an'l Mrs. Viola Dixon; tu,o sisters, IMrs. Eleanor Etchison and NIrs. Ida Cochran, and trvo brothers, Fred and Edgar Chapmall.
Funeral services rvere held at Santa Ana on September 19.
Eugene F. Ganahl
Eugene F. Ganahl, vice president of the C. Ganahl Lumber Co., Los Angeles, passed ar,vay at the Leonard Sanitarium at Orange on Saturday, September 23. He u'as 67 years of age.
NIr. Ganahl 'ivas born in Austria while the famill' \\'as on a trip to Europe. He attended St. Vincent's college in Los Angeles, and then 'ivent rvith the C. Ganahl Lumller Co., rvhich lvas formed by his father, the late Christian Ganahl, in 1884. He rvas rvitl-r the company from 1896 to 1941, and u,as formerly president, but or,ving to il1 health he rvas not active in the business for the past three years.
A resident of Los Angeles for sixty years, he lvas u'idely knorvn in business circles. He rvas a member of the Jonathan Club.
Surviving are a son, Lau-rence Ganahl; a daughter, NIrs. Edrvard Leonard; a brother, C. C. Ganahl, president of the C. Ganahl Lumber Co., and trvo sisters, Ottilia L. Ganahl, and Mrs. Emelia Reis of St. Louis, NIo.
Funeral services u'ere held at St. Brendan's Church, I-os Angeles, Tuesday t.uorning, September 26'