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California Building Permits for August
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan has done many marvelous tl.rings Since the year c.,f the sourrlough clrive; Through rvars ancl depressions
An<l kindred clisasters, He's kept old traditions alive. The fallers still fell, The loggers still 1og, The trces of the forest survive.
Paul's kcpt a close rvatch on all lurlbering tasks, Since the vear of tl.re sourdough drive.
Pzrul llunl'an has never evaded a job
Since the year of the sourdough drive, If an obstacle's great and no pathu'ay around, A rvay to run through, he'Il contrive. There is nothing too mnch for a mort:rl to dcr If he's 'rvilling ancl eager to strive
Ancl this is the precept that brings orle success, Since the year of the sourdough drir.e.
Paul Bunyan can solve all our problcmsBy his r-nethocls $'e're sure to arrive, They have fairly remodeled the land of the free, Since the year of the sourdough drive.
"Step np to your job," says Paul Bunyan, "Get a grip on the thing, look alive," There's no task too hard nor too complex Since the year of the sourdough drive.
Paul Bunyan's not merely a legendSince the year of the sourdough drive, He's been the land's genie of prog.ress, And his slogan is, "start, go, arrive !" lJis are homely ideals of service ; "Step up, lend a hand, look alive," But they'r'e licked every "can't be done," project Since the year of the sourdough drive.
-A. Nlerriam Conner
Open Yqrd in Tulare
George ts. Nfartin and Vernon L. Riedesel have purchased the former llayvvard Lumber & Investment Company yarcl at Tulare, Calif., and plan to reopen it, as a partnership, under the name of The Tulare Lumber Company about October 1.
Both Mr. Martin arid Mr. Riedesel have been emoloved by the King Lumber Company, Mr. Nlartin at Arvin and Mr. Riedesel at Bakersfield.
U. S. Plywood Corp. Forms Door Division
United States Plywood Corporation has established a Door Division to undertake the development, manufacture and sale of a wide variety of doors. The company and U. S. - Mengel Plywoods, Inc., have obtained exclusive sale of the Mengel patented "Airlock" core cloor r,vhich has es_ tablished a large prewar market ancl is ready to re_enter the market. A new door of U. S. plywood's own manufacture no.il' in its final stages of development employs an en_ tirely new principle based upon a development of the lab_ oratories of an outstanding industrial company.