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How Lumber Looks
The Douglar fir market rhows very little change. Several wholeralerr report that cornmonr are not quite as strong a! two weekc ago with vertical grain flooring and clearr re- ' maining firm. The volume of burine$ ie holding up wcll
Cargo arrivalr into Southenr California for the month of September totalled l04,l75 M ft., which included 89r3OO M ft. of Douglas fir and 14,875 M ft. of redwood. For the rnontt of Augurt, the Douglar fir cargo receiptt were 1O9,. 960 M ft. and redwood arrivalr 16,125 M ft, m.trdng a total of 125rO85 M ft. The total cargo receipte for the month of September 1926 amormted to 14O,175 M fu
The arnount of untold lumber at San Pedro remainr about the rarne, it being ectfunated a! bctween 12 and 14 million feet and running heavy to undeeirable itemr. Wholerderr report that the derirable rtocks arriving at thir port are readily absorbed. Therc are 32 boatt tied.
There ate no large accurnulationr of rtockr at the milb in the Northwert, and pricee are reported rteady erpecially on mixed cer orderr. Reportr from the Northwcrt state that the Atlantic Coart burineo har tlowed up a little. There ir a log rhortage on C'rayr Harbor; one mill is down and rome of the other millr are down two dayt a week due to ttre log rhortage. There ir coneiderable talk of rome of the Grayr Harbor millr cloeing down in the next rixty deyt. Conciderable buginem ir being ofiered the Northwcd rnillc by the Aurtralian trade and tte Japan market continuer firm.
The lath market chowr no change and green lath are 6rm.
Sen Frencirco Oficc
?rt Shltr Mrrln Btds. ll2 MrLct Sbcct Tclcnbm Dawapct lil?t
Southcra OEco hd Nrdonal Brd. Blds. Hquto, Tcrer
Northwcrtor:l Oficc l0l Nothwsrtcm Bk. Bldr. Prtlend' Orrrm
Advcrtirin3 Rrtr or Applicetioo
The rhingle market continuer active wittr pricer rteady.
The redwood market continuec good and during the part two weekr has rhown improvement. Prices are firrn. There is ctill a rcarcity of the lower grader with the demand for uppers fairly active. The eartern market ir more active with the export market about norrnal. For the week ending October l, 15 millr reporting, the auociation barometer shorw: Ordere received, 8,541 M ft.; Shipmentr, 9rO44 M ft.; Production, 8,677 M ft. For the year 1927 to October 1, 15 millr reporting, rhowr: Orderr received, 342,9{16M ft.; Shipmente, 325,668 M ft.; Production, 292,418 M ft.
The California White and Sugar Pine market har rhown improvemcnt in all rectionr. There is a good demand for commonr end rhop and the upper grader are moving well Prices are better, eepecially in tfie upper gfader. Stock conditionr at the milb are reported ar ratirfactory with the production figurer for 1927 well under t{re production for t926.
The Wert Coart Lumbermen'! Arsociation barometer for the week ending October 1, 119 millr reporting, reportr; Production, 125,593,635 ft.; New Burineu, ll8r0g7r732 ft.; Shipm,ente, 12O,176,008 ft. For the fint 39 weekr in 1927, 90 mills reporting, show; Production, 3,385,614,073 ft.; New Burineer, 3144410581939 ft.; Shipmentr, gr4llr260,226 ft.
For the week ending October l, t'he Southern Pine Arcociation barometer, 1O2 milb reporting, rhow: Production, 62,914,1 17 ft 7 Orden, 58,368,000 ft. ; Shipmen ts, 66,21 3,280 ft.
Soathert Pinc OldGrouthYclhuFir
Crtorrrttl Yellour
UNION PLANING MILL ilarch 2?, 1926 guta Fa lwbar Co. la e nle re er€ rcluctent ln vlltlng t6ltlionlel!, lm!much as you arc 6xp6ot6d to rry lon€thlng you donrt bau, buf recognlzlng that m€rlt 1l entltlod to conp€nsatton tc blva no hesttency ln endorslng th6 hlgh stsnderd you clsl! fo! toq ptod@t.

Kiln.Dricd Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac, tion in everv foot" of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Amed. can Standard sires. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
1,6 Ceufomle Stnct gu Fluclroo, Cellfomh osntlcnan: you r8k for our axporlcnc€ tn hsdllng the product of th6 C6nt!al, Co.l & Coko CoEpey.
In pleclna th€ flrst ords! vlth you rc dld.not cb6ot to g€t all th6 qualltles you €nM€retcll yoilr nctcltrl ooeecircd. Upon recolpt of the car, th6 wrltrr caa prrtlcul.llr obronut ot lts hloadlng end wes w€]l pleas€al rlth lhc appcodroc of th6 .toot. rhls parrlcurar order wes prlnclpelLf 2a6 {Z CIr &Btr. V.0. f,.D. Ro.. 01d Crorth Y€llow Flr.
As w6 sorked th6 natorlel re f,erc Eora thla lattrflaA {1th-th€ lesults. frs ltock ra! soft, i6l,l nanutrotwd ed pertlcularly fre€ fron pltch, wtth eliolt a c@plotc rb.€noa of crecks! W€ were abl€ to trlD ebout hatf lnch oif.nd d obtrtn two stlles fo! 6-8 door, onetop rel.l for 2-8 door out of Nll 16-0 lenAths.
We elso hed occeslon to M e 216 aplw cova nouldtm. wlth perfect results. fte freodon frcn pltch-and-thc croallaht-' kl1n dryln8 w€re put to the suprebe telt-ln this oe!c.
-0u. €xperlence ulth the ftrlt cer prdpt€al uE to placc eD od6r foF a second car, wtth the sso aaticfaitory reaufii.
You have onfll€ at ht! nLttry os odc! for thttd car, whlch, by th€ f,ay, r€ request that you lury elonS to us. our sxp€Flenc€ convlnco! u! you hava e htt-h ar!d6 lMbsr cxtlen61y eelr ki.tn drtoat, ai.l ,urc io'iat'i"ii h;-ff,E';iri;i-" Youls ttrly,
Watchtheseads and read what others say about this dependable lumben