6 minute read



If a man does not make n{w acquaintances as he advances through life he will soon\ find himself alone. A man must keep his friendships in constant repair.-Dr. Samuel Johnson.


Silently we stood together in the darkening shadows of the evening. After an interval that seemed like ages to me, I lowered my head to catch the sweet odor that pervaded the cool air. I looked long and fervently at the well-rounded mouth and thought of the pleasure to be found there. I could restrain myself no longer. With almost brutal eagerness I grasped the smooth, round neck in my two hands and pressed my hot lips to the moist mouth. Draining the last drop, I put down the bottle, and, chewing a clove, I sauntered away."

The End Of Men And Flowers

When I saw you making sorrowful end, (Knowing that you were soon about to die) Sorting your rings, promising such and sustrEach careful, sad disposal to each friend, Your booksr /our furs, your house, your tapestries, Troubled about how little a3d,,how much-

I thought how easily the daisies go, ,Fow tranquilly each fading frond and leaf Slips back into the mould without demur, I , With nothing to bequeath, regret, or owe; How soon the hawthorn, after journey brief Lies down and pulls the grasses over her.


Life is but a garment. When it's dirty, brush it. When it's torn, mend it. Make it last as long and as good as you can.-Tagore.

Whatever You May Have Done Let Others Do The Telling

There was once a Dutch housewife who was unduly arrogant about her clean floor. One day she scrubbed right through the floor and fell into the basement and broke her neck Pride came before her fall.

The loud speaker, used in our own behalf, fills the air with static for others. If we do a good job and someone catches lrs at it, we feel like Peary at the Pole. But if we 'do a good job and then cackle like a hen, folks are more riled with the racket than they are pleased at the deed.

Even among'hens the greatest cacklers are lihrs rat'her than layers. They start by cackling after laying, as all respectable hens should. Later, they cackle before and after laying. Still later they help other hens to cackle, and soon they are devoting their lives to cackling.

People who cheer for themselves are pretty apt to give way to the same temptation; that is, they soon warble rather than work.

A bird sings, but because you sing you are not necessarily a bird.

There is nothing so cheerless as a self-cheering companion,owhose true worth is scarcely less than half of nothing at all.

True worth is worth no less in sneakers.

To scrub floors right you must get on your hands and knees, which is a humble position, and a ridiculous one from which to indulge in loud talk.

-Chester H. Struble.

It Depended

Judge: "You say you have known this defendant all your life? Then tell the jury if you think he would be guilty of stealing this money."

Witness: "How rmrch was it?"


Mr. A. C. Horner, Western Division Manager, National MEETING Lumber Manufacturers Association, San Fraicisco, com- The Orange County Lumbermen's Club will hold their pleted- a !rip- in S_eptember through the Redwood Empire annual meeting at _the Santa Ana Country Club, on Tuesand the Pacific Northwest. day evening, October 18. In the afternoon, there will be

_ T-ttS redwood operations at Rockport, of the Finkbine- l golf tournament that w-ill be played.-over the Santa Ana Guild corporation, which is a trade J*ie".io" subscriber of Qoynlry Club course. Luncheon- will be served in the the Natioiral bodn_were inspecteJ, in"fuai"g thi proceis of club house at noon and the golf tournament will get under shipping cants t6'Mississip'pi f;;'t;;ufacture. way at 1:00 P. M.

The nurseries of the Union Lumber Company, Fort --_Jl,,l:,,:u,*ing dinner will be served at the club house Bragg, and Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia, mtt o1'*6o* which will be followed by an interesting_program and busiare iitional trade extension sub'..ribeis, were also visited. ness session. C. H. Chapman, W. E. Klement and J. L. Manufacturers and municipai buiiai"g im.i.ls tnioughout Ainsworth are arranging for the meeting. th: T'""*":iffi#'ff;:JJr:.'"iewed'and acquainted-with I

H. E. Plummer, President, National Building_ _Qfficr3ls Hammorid in[rests. The_Viney_Milliken Co. are dispos_ Conference, and a director of Pacific Coast Bu"ilding Of- i"g oittreir.t""r.li"'trt.it-g"ii;i[y;ili" the other yards ficials Conference. - in"Burbank.

Conferences with A_rthur_Bevan, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, C. J. Hogue, West Coast Lumber Trade Ex"tension Bureau, and Robert Allen, Secretary-Manag'er, West Coast Lumbermens Association, were hefd at Seittie. While in the region, a number of saw mills, particularly those manu- facturing red cedar products, weie visited.' Mr. G. W. Roberge,-Building Superintendent, City of Seattle, was interviewed.

Dean Winkenwerder, Forestry College, University of Washington, was -visited. The liborator"y'facilities of the Unrverslty were inspected by Mr. Horner.

The personal contact with- subscribers to the National association's trade extension fund and with lumbermen in gene_r_al throughout the trip showed an intense interest in the National- organization'i active leadership in trade extension problems. Close co-operation between lumbermen and the association in the campaign already has manifested itself on the West Coast. Eag6rnEss to paiticipate is surely the.best sjgn_ of t-he accruing-benefits of the wbrk, and thai is the attitude of the lumber industry in the campaign.


rr2 Mar&ct st


Tclcphonc Suttcr ?ltg9


* Francirco

Dougler Fir - Spnrcc - Rcdwood

Rcdwood end Ccdrr Shinglcr

Fir Piling - Cdar portr

Sptit Rcdwood productr

Atcnb: A. F. Cdb Lubcr Co Tlltuook, Oruro

M-r. George A. Johnson, Port Costa Lumber Co., Benicia California, died at his home on Thursday, September ZZ. Mr. Johnson had been at his place of business'all day and after partaking of his suppei, sat down to listen tb the radio. He was taken suddenly ill and passed away in a few minutes without regaining conscious'ness. Harf,ening of the arteries around the heart was the cause of his ileath-. He was 71 years of age.


Mr. Johnson was a native of England and came to the United States in 1882. He came fo Benicia twenty-one years ago as manager of the Benicia yard of the port Costa Lumber Co., eventually purchasinq ihe vard and owned it at the time of his deatli. -Besides h-is widow. he is survived by his son Alfred R., who has been associated with his father in the lumber business. Funeral services were held on Sunday, September 25.


North Bend, (Coor Bay) Oregon


We Specialize on Quick Delivcriec

Celifornia Rcprcrcntativcr:


Central Division Trade Extension Staff

Washington, Oct. 3.-Walter F. Shaw, manager of the Central Division of the National Lumber Trade Extensiort department with headquarters in Chicago, announces the following appointments to the staff of that office:

Building code engineer, with headquarters in Indianapolis, Bert J. Westover; industrial specialist, C. B. Green, Chicago; construction engineer, Charles E. Close, Chicago; field worker, Mrs. Marion Teal, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Ed. fvory, Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco, spent a few days in the Los Angeles District around the first of the month where he conferred with C. S. Brace.'their Southern California representative. He also spent some time with Mr. Brace calling on the Southern California trade.

LEASES rRAcr ill?J$tt|"rFrc

The Suverkrup Lumber Company, of San Bernardin-o, has leased a tract of land in Riverside from the Pacific Electric Railway Company on its right of way, 225x3ffi feet in dimensions, to which it wiil move a complete stocl{ from its San Bernardino yard. The Suverkrup Lumber Co." is one of the pioneer lumber companies of the San Ber', nardino distric[, and has the largest local lumber yard supi ply in that territory. In moving to the Riverside lease it *itt Uring a complete supply oflumber and building ma; terials to this, its only branch yard. .r

When Enthusiasm Over Stepped

Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing. ! Itisoneofthegreatdrivingforcesoftheworld. Without it few real successes in life are ever made. But-sometimes it gets a fellow into trouble.

Tr,r'o years ago, in Florida, they had a rail embargo oni and it was hard to get building materials into the buildingi mad districts. Lath became very scarce. "'

So a lumberman filled with enthusiasm, brought in froni, the Pacific Coast a full cargo of Fir lath. About that timo the boom busted. i

He's still got the lath. :


C. S. Russell, vice-president of Dant & Russell Lumber Co., Portland, joined the hole-in-one club recently. Mr. Russell was playing on the Multonomah Country Club course at the time and the shot that every golfer hopes to make sometime came at the third hole.


The American Forestry Association, the natioaal org-an? ization devoted to perpetuation of the timber resource, ha$ selected St. Louis as the site for its 1928 annual meetingg to be held early in the year.

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