1 minute read
Flere's what Jack Dionne says about the Laminex soaking test
,s r ri n{ ss t.s!i:i jiriT^l"
Why dn'tyou otr. drct thc famous Inminadootrcalhg tctt vhich it bcing prblicly madeinell ,dtt of thc counby? It prcrct cwlwbdy to yout antwatlb4 d4n2nctt ill ncrd mdcalamiwdw P4rp, tpl;t or eon,r 4tarL
Jo! r0 f ba16dy in tk tnbq buircs in &!i-1
'lf eurxrx door ooatcing t6cE are Jl-z big rencations at retail yards. !7e feature these eoaling testi ia all of our adveciseureao in the country's geatest general nagazinea and'in leading b"il4ing publicadons. You caa use the force of this dominant advertisingcan bring cowds of custometl to your Dlace of business -and ideniify iounelf as headquarter! for "the d6or that *andr dre famour soaLing test." !?e rupply_you wttn nree cutt tor newopaper advertisemetrtr; speciet folden- 6 mail out tr tour cusrorlen; displav sicru and other lireatue" In 'd&tion.-we futnish you with a blue print and completc instructions for r-taging t{re test succerrfully,- The wFole- plan is thoroughly worled out and 'rvaitlng tor you.
{ssocrerrox sECRETARTEs are quicl to sce the / \ value of Laminex door roalcing tests They know that soaLing a Laminex door in water is a novel, aftantion-geaing 6tunt-a quick way of producing a condition equal to, or even rnole severe, rhan months of ordinary door usage. ft is like the acid test applied to metals to prove their resistance to corrosion. ftis the"show netrmethoJ ft is me"method ofselling doors. LAMINEX
'!7e have yct to f,nd aayothe doot t{ratwill rtand ruch a test-thet can be deparded on to bc trcuble proof like Laminer. Laminer doors will rond up PLYWOOD; built likc and used in Iaminex doors; beautiful, wide, tbin, rtrong boards; many use!. Write {or literature and samples, where other doors fail because Laminer doon arc not IiLe ondinary doors, Scicndfc intetnal onstnrction built into Laminer doors prerrenc *rrping, ewelling and shsinking. Larniner rnterproofcemmt (-a recret) hol& rails, stilea and pands together frmly-regandless 6f elimati3 conditions. kading *rriburonl can supplT you with, popular stytes ot Le mrnex d.oors, bearinc the word "LeMrNsx" and our definite teplacemeit quarantee that the door must make codd or we Jill. M.il the coupon fot literature anil complee inrtructions for.conducting a businecs-building Lamiaer door Soaarng tcrt.
$catlcncn : Please send illustrated literature and ornplete in- i strucrions for conducting a Laniner door roaling teet.