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Peninsular Hoo Hoo Meeting
The Peninsula Hoo-Hoo Club met at the St. tcl"ir. Hotel, San Jose, at 7:00 p.m., September 26, with the following members present: F-red F. Boes, 38323; Robert Cameron, 39473; Irving M. Crabb, 37406; M. A. Downing, 39761; Arthur C. Ellis, 39764; Elrner Ellis, 19733; Frank Ellis,40449; J.C.Ellis, 14148; A.E.Flores, 41076; E. H. Galpin, 41077; Alfred C. I{ansen, 37407; Peter C. Ilansen, 2SS6g; William Hargas, 4O163; Isaiah }Iartman, 27910; A. L. Hubbard,38333; Paul M. P. Merner,34834; Arthur S. McKinney, 33689; R. M. Price, 34372; O. .E. Schnabel, 41089; Louis M. Swift, 34021 and E. C. Wild,39770. The guests included M. L. Doane, Dick Hiscox, 14423; Fred Roth, 32843; W. H. Pfafflin, J. H. Waterman of the Progress Lumber Company, Redrvood City; George Bonde, 2973; R. E. Stag of the P. E. Hansen Company, Niles; M. A. Harris, 35653; Bert Neylan, 13897; Ward P. Merner; Rev. Bennet of Campbell and Fidel La Barba, former flyweight boxing champion of the world.
Mr. Bishop having resigned as vice-president, it was
A regular meeting of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club will be held at the California Hotel on Saturday, October 15. Luncheon will be served at12:30. Following the luncheon, Dr. Thomas Elliott Snyder, Entomologist of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., will talk on "Termites in Building Codes."
There rvill also be a business meeting, which will include a discussion on the revision of the Club By-Laws and several other subjects that will corne before the State Association meeting at Los Angeles next month.
necessary to elect someone to fill this position. Fred Boes nominated J. C. Ellis of Menlo Park and seconded by Paul M. P. Merner. He was unanimously elected as vicepresident.
Fred Roth was recommended for appointment as a member of the Supreme Nine.
A telegram was read from H. R. Isherwood to the effect that Hoo-Hoo was growing stronger and more'prosperous every year.
Short talks were made by M. A. Harris, Fred Roth, Bob Grant and Bert Neylan.
Paul M. P. Merner introduced Fidel La Barba who gave a good explanation of the late fistic encounter between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney.
The Rev. Bennett of Campbell, lately of England, gave a very inspiring talk on the subject of "Fellowship of Man." His main thought was that we need the moral background of the church and even though we do not attend we'should support it.
Improvements At Lumber Yard
The Barr Lumber Company, at their Norwalk yard, are building a number of new sheds, which, when completed, will be large enough to put under cover all the lumber carried in the yard, making everything carried by them seasoned lumber.
Mr. George Blamer, Sr., who recently sold his lumber business in Monrovia, has accepted a position with Hammond Lumber Company to manage their yard at Anaheim.
H(}BBS, lvALI, & C().
Manufacturerc l-DemanLgreater every day because architects are specifying it.
Four rearonr why you fiould stock Browntr Supcrccdar Cloret Lining.
2{ost-about the Eame as lath and plastcr.
3-Easilv Handledpacked in 6bre-board, dampproof boxes. No deprcciation. No broken tongues and grooves.
4-Profit-lt speaks for itself.
I*t us scnil you lnlher infotmalion anil quote gou Nica.