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B. McGornlek Lunber Go.
Exclusive California distributors for Weyuhae*sa Fir Flooring od Waltott Yercq Panels
SALES OFFICES: San Frcncisq-2l1 Marka Stea; Darcnpott 3500. Los Angelu-7\U) Lane Mortgage Building; Trht;ty 5241 Phoenix-C. P.Henry,rcp resentatite, 423 Heard Building. MILIS: St.Helcns,Oregon; Port Ludlop and Port Gamble, Washinston. TREATING PLANT: St. Helerc, Oregon. PLANING MILLS: SanDiigo. DISTRIBUTION YARDS: Wilningt6n and sanDiego.
Douglae Flr . Gedar r Spruce . f,enlock
Harry Hughes To Represent Blinn Interests In Arizona
Harry Hughes has left for Arizona where he will represent the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co. He was accompanied by L. A. Beckstrom, who will spend about three weeks with Mr. Hughes in the Arizona territory. Mr. Hughes was formerly connected with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. at their mills at St. Helens, Oregon, and Port Ludlow and Port Gamble, Washington. He is a native of Arizona and a graduate of the University of Arizona where he used to shine on their base-ball and foot-ball teams.
Miss Jessie M. Williams, Vice-President of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., has sold her interests in the luinber company to C. M. Cooper who will succeed her as VicePresident. Miss Williams has been connected with the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company for the past seven years. She has built a beautiful Spanish home at 1260 Sherwood St., San Marino and will there enjoy a needed rest.
"Bill had a sign painted in 1896 which reads, 'We sell Lumber'. Jim, his competitor, has a brand new 1927 sign that reads: 'We will furnish a free plan of your house and supply the complete materials-we guarantee satisfaction.' The folks here trade with Jim, in the first place because they can't afford to buy microscopes to read signs with, and in the second place because they like to read good n s1ry5,"-Plairie Lumberman.
P. E. Robbins, Robbins Lumber Co., Seattle, was a recent Los Angeles visitor on a short business trip. Mr. Robbins manufactures wood parts for automobiles. Mr. Robbins was formerly sales manager for the Schafer Bros. interests who have lumber and shingle operations at Aberdeen and Montesano, Washington. While in Los Angeles, he called on his old friend, Ted Lawrence, Southern California manager of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
Ray Anderson Visits California
Ray Anderson, president of the General Plywoods Co., Seattle, was a recent California visitor where he spent ten days in Los Angeles. While in Los Angeles, he made his headquarters at the offices of the California Panel & Veneer Co., their exclusive representatives in the Southern California territory, where he conferred with Howell Baker and Harry Hanson. He also spent several days in San Francisco with Homer Maris of the H. B. Maris Panel Co., who represents the General Plywoods interests in Northern California.
Lumber Company Of Glendora Building New Warehouse
To accommodate demands of an increasing roofing business, the H. S. Riser Lumber Company, Glendora, has found it necessary to erect a new warehouse in which to store the additional stock this expansion calls for. The warehouse, upon which work has just begun, will be erected at the present site of the company's yards, the new building to be 22 by 36 feet and of the same type as the present structures.