1 minute read
$f/hyisRedwood TurnoyerFa,stefl
-because nzore and rnorep-ph knout
, , thatRedwood means better bona, *rt, bones, bandsomer bomel \7e are telling the $tory to miliions every month. Thousands have written sayrng that they are interested. And dealers are writing us U26leters in thc last 30 daysJ saying that the prospe&rwe Gnd are a&ually buying Red'wiod*t increasing their business.
Every de alerftockingfodwood is entitled to receive these DrosPe& lists. The are your,s fo1 the TS"g, \U7e refer theprosle&s toyou. And we supply Home plan Books,Moun^tain and cabin Plan Books, an Agricultural series with plans and stru&ural details, 2-colorLetterrnser6, various J;b, yard, and Conua&or Signs, |rleqspaper Ma15, together #ith ie".rj Booklets on Redwood andbther woods. "
Get in touch with us. szrite for yourcomplimentary copy of the Redwood sales Manual.It-is an inteiesting coi"piiJ- tion of fafts on dozens of common woods. You need it for reference.