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A. B. Johnson, Jf.
A. B. (Bert) Johnson, Jr., hails from the city by the Golden Gate, and is a nativc San Franciscan. He attended the public school in that city when he \pas a youngster aad he is also an alumnus of the Polytechnic High School of Sar Francisco. He is the son of A. B. Johnson, one of thc pioncer lurnberrnen of San Francisco.
"Betrt" as he is called by all the tumbet gang has spcnt all his life in the lumber business. He worked for one ycar at the Witson Broe. Lumber Co. retail yard. He tlcn became associated with the Nationatl Mill & Lumber Co. and was connected with this concern for fifteen ycars. When hc left the National Mill & Lumbcr Co., he was sales man:rger of their planing mill department.
rn 1924 he became associiatcd with his father again in thc whol'esale lumber and shipping businese in San Francisco, who operates und,cr the namc of thc A. B. Johnson Lunrbcr Co.
"Bert" is one of the most popular yourg lurnbermcn in the statc and his fricnds in thc lumber induetry are legion. Hc is a strong Hoo-Hoo and durhg thc paat year did excellcnt wo'rk for the Ordcr as Scrivenoter on the Bay Dictrict nine. He was recently honored by the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo and elected Presidcnt of their Club for the coming ycar.