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A Beautiful Floor for the Moderate Priced Home
lV'eyerbaeus er Pactf.c Coast Hemlock Flooring acts like bardutood at a softutood price
[-{ERE is a soltwood flmring good enough lor the I I mct conspicrrous place in almost aay house. You too will be proud to display it It looks like hardwood. It is made like hardwood flooring on the highest typ" oI flooring mac"hines. And it weartt long and well without any splintering or raising of grain.
It helps lower the cost oI building without sacrifrce of anyol the essentials. It takes your softwood flooringout of competition. It fiIls a long lelt need. C.ontractors and carpenters like it on account of its excellent milling and finish.
Paciftc C-oast Hemlock is unlike any soltwood you have ever handled. It is tough but not harsh. Its ter$ure is fine and even, thus it works to a square edge and planes to ahighfinish. Onlyselectedsdps, the finest part oI the log, go into Weyerhaeuser flmrin& Itdoesnotwarp.
Ctder a trial shipment in a mixed car oI popular Weyerhaeuser quality items. See the Weyerhaeuser rlan.
Wcycrhemr Prcific Cor* Hcmlock Flocing i.l!/16' thicl bv 2%'lecc. It cou both rsttrh od utchior md uttJlat qd utchln:. Eotb typcr rn milled vlth thc hollow bacL Thc highct 3ndcol thir flooring ir Laown u "Bud Bctts&lgc Gnia," For hl cx8ctin8 rro or wbm r rtill lowc pricd [mi4 ir wutgd it ic.lto ud. in the gndc. oI " C Mircd Gnfn""
Thc lloodng onc. i! ert tcsr. budla. crch onc bcrri4 ea rcnctiw lsbcl ia colon which rhowr thc nrmc, tbc Wcycrbrmr Bnnd, thc gndc mrl md the tndcryL
Thtr lmrinl ir mulectrnd by Wegcrhaw Timbcr Compeay ud ir obteimbla ir mircd cu ordcn dipct hon tbe Wcyabrcw Milb at Everctt, Warhiatton, ud Sloqulmie Frlb, WtbinStoa, or Ircn ray oI the fou Wsyrhacusr Dircibutiq Phltr et Behircrc. PorttEouth. RL, Miucoo Tm.tc. St. Prul. ud Nmrl.N.l.
Veyetbaetscr Pacific Coast HemlocA Flooring is enotber featarc of tbc Vqerbact tct Pl** a btying edoantage tbat bewfits eutTdealetutbo sscs ir. ,:{sk tbeVeyerbactter ran t.