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California Buildittg Permits for September
Experts declare that approximately three out of every four fires could be prevented. That means that if we had been careful in 1926, our fire loss would have been only about $150,000,000 instead of $575,000,000. Four hundred million dollars is worth saving.
Let vigilance drive out carelessness. Let's cut down this enormous fire waste.
The Associated Lumber Mutuals offer to policy-holders an e x p e r t service in fire prevention. occur, our resources and Our aim is to keep fire out. If fire does our reputailon guarantee prompt payment of loss. By our dividends to policy-holders we save for them approximately 40% on their insurance cost.
Write any of our comfanies for furth,er inforntati,on about our policies, our fire frevention, seruice, and, our sauing on insurance cost.


Robert Inslis, prominent lumberman and civic leader of The Valley Lumber Ctimp'ahy, Fresno, have just had a Stockibn, aiEa iuaaenly from heart failure on Wednesdav pleasant e*perience and,'have received. sorre excellent !qb- gyening, October 5. Mr. Inglis was playing chess in tht ii"ity by the buitaiqg oi a redwooafof-tungafiitilii""i-.d*-
:e'lub room of the Stockton Misonic remfle ivhen stricken. hibiiaithi:Fresnoiirtri.tFairwhici*"i;.14";ri1,]|;;- t i H" Wds an outstanding figure in the lumber industry of 'Celifornia and was held in high esteem by his fellow lum- -$ermen.*l He was a member oi Hoo-Hoo. - Funeral services were held at Stockton on Saturday, Otober 8 and lumbermen from many sections of the state wer€ present.
Qr'-Herbert s. chapman, who was present at the time, . , , . n . r made every effort to revive him but announced that death ror a weeK closlng on uctoDer JI' r here ls qulte a demand had come instantly. Mr. Inglis had been enjoying excellent for summer bungalou's in the mountains'aAiaCQnt;1o t\ health, and the fatal atta& came withoni i""t"tittg. He Valley territory and the exhibit attracted: " gi".ilrn"try) is survived by two sisters, Mrs. H. F. Grinnell of San-Franpeople who attended the fair: The interior df tni bungalo# cisco,-and Yi.l 4-y Ilglt: of Stockton, and by two^ daugfrwas lined with wall-board on which th.y."1"-:rycra[,zing. f?,T;#Ti Y;kLl Hoffman and Mrs. George S. Fink_ F. _Deart Prescott, general manager of thti Va'lley Lumber co., states thai "they took ,thE o"-.. and,:addresses ^-T"!,.T,-ltqlt_t-,*i: born in Stockton in 1870, the son of of all it,u p.opi" that 'were i"t";.;-tJ-il-r"a*i.O-"r"" one of the citv's pioneers, William .Inglis, who came to bungalows, and that their salesmeri'friii 6iki";iit,iX,$,#& -f.t":kton in tjSt. ue ha<l'been associatJd with the lumber far Into. ttre.night str"*i"t sa-pri"'Ot-'"ti .irr.i't-l"k-oi,. H$.l".ss in Stockton since he was 16 years old when he goods ttrai trre! ""tty. , . ; , .:: Ii:t-t^".,yg| lt: {?::Ph l1l.',f?:*",t lumberman u'ho.f,as been retired tor rei'etai y""rr.'r"i"i rr" *"r*"""g.t of tn" Gardner Lumber Co., and r,r'hen that company was succeeded by the San Joaquin Lumber Co. in 1910, he became president of the new organization and lvas serving in that positioh at.the time of his death.
Mr. Inglis was also prorninent in the civic affairs of Stockton. He served as city councilman in 19O7, and for meny years was a member of the board of directors of the Stpcktonl Chamber of Commerce. He took an active part 'inrlotlge circles and service clubs in Stockton. He was past e*alted ruler of the Elks; a member of the San Joaquin .lodge-.!',;and A. M., Shriners and Scottish Rite bodies; Past prp$ident of the Lions' Club and a member of the High.Tfielve Club.
Mission Lime Products Company Absorbs Superior Cement Stucco Corporation
The Little River Redwood Company's retail yard at Madera carried off the blue ribbon ind also a caJh prize for the best exhibit at the Madera-Merced district'fair, held at Chowchilla, Sept. Zlst to Z4th. Their exhibit, composed -entirely of Redwood, was unique and created a great deal of comment on its attractiveness. The exhibit w_as in charge of J. M. "Jimmy" Chase, manager of the Madera vard-.
The Superior Cement Stucco Corporation of Los Angeles has consolidated with the Mission Lime Products Co. of San Diego and San Francisco. The new organization is now occupying its recently constructed plant at 814 Ducommun St., Los Angeles.
R. J. Schirm, one of the members of the J. S. Schirm Commercial Co. of San Diego is general manager of the Mission Lime Products Co. With him is associated C. W. Spear, president of the Superior Cement Stucco Corporation. E. H. Rumer is sales manager.