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Kite Flying
R. A. l.ottg in "The Log of [.ong-Bell"
Every man must know how to fy his kite before he can rail it eurely and rafely over the peak of 6ucce$.
The above thought came to me one day while watching two boys with their kites. The first attempts they made were failures. Their kites dragged along the ground and would not rise, no matter how fast the boys nn. There was a strong wind blowing so it was evident that the boys did not underctand that kites rise AGAINST the wind, not with it.
And right here let me syr men rice AGAINST opposition or resistanc-not with it.
W: R. Chamberlin. W. R. Chamberlin & Co.. San Francisco, spent several days in Los Angeles around the first month where he conferred with Jack Rea, their Southern California representative. Prior to his Southern California trip, he spent three weeks in the Northwest visiting the mill operations they represent in the California territory.
When I told the boys to run against the wind, they did, and their kites began to fy. Higher and higher they railed until one kite, not built to withstand a strong win4 collapsed and futtered to the ground. And herein lies another truthmen must find the ProPer "wind" or resistance to work against. If too strong, it may overcome them at the start, and cause failure.
However, I believe that more men fail to reach EucceEE because they try to gail WITH the wind than because they are not strong enough to regist it.
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The first announcement appeared in the Saturday- Evening Post of September 17.
More will appearmonth after month-not
Hammond Lumber Company Buys Shipping Board Boat
The Hammond Lumber Company, of San Francisco, is reported from Washington as having purchased from the shipping board, the steamer Cerro Gardo, 3610 tons D. W. at a consideration of $31,000.00.
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