1 minute read
F ootb&ll! !
Well! Well! The Season is going full blast now. The preliminary games are over, we can get a fairly good line on our favorites and some of them are not living up to expectations.
Flowever it takes a little time for the old veterans to get loosened up, so we are sure that by t'Big Gamett time things will look more promising with the oldtimers and, maybe too, some of the Sophomore stars will prove only fashes in the panr unsteady and unable to stand the grfi. Uncettaintyt That is what makes Football.
Uncertainty isn't so good in homes, though. O*oirg your own home is just as important as winning the rrBig Gamer" and the home builder or buyer can well follow the example of the successful Coach. Varner, Wade, Rockne, Jones or Price would welcorre the talented youngster, but he knows the value of at least a sprinkling of vetetans to make a successful team. They have been through the fire and have been tested; the Coach knows what they can do.
The home builder or buyer should indude in hit home all the new features that can deliver the goods. But if he would follow the good coaches system, he will not overlook his tried and tnre veterans. And Chief of tfiese is his good old triple threat-REDWOOD. It is a three way success and morct Its ANZAC RUSTIC is a foffard pass from a new formation; where ever it is attempted it is completed for a good gain, and it'e an excellent scoring play; its ECONOMY SIDING is alwayc good where a few more yards are needed for a first dovm, where yardc are hard q get; and its CASING and BASE is aIwayE sure to gain in an exchange of punts. And best of all REDVOOD doec not take dr'.e out for in. juries-IT LASTS.
By-the-way do you rcalize that REDVOOD is very highly resistant to the Tennite or Vhite Ant. He doesn't like to eat Heart REDWOOD. Tell thiE to your Contractors; you would be surprised how many will be interested.