2 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told tor 2O years-Some less A Couple of "Quickies"
Jones showed up at the office with a good looking new hat on, and the gang immediately asked him where he got it.
"It's a surprise from my wife", said Jones, gazing proudly at the new lid.
"What do you mean, a surprise from your wife," asked one of the boys.
Approximately 300,000 letters and parcels were sent.by air miil on the Pacific coast during September, according to the report of A. K. Humphries, vice-president of the Pacific Air Transport company, holders of the air mail contract on the west coast. The total weight of this mail was 7365 pounds, a gain of 565 pounds over the preceding month, or more than 8 per cent.
The company is placing extra planes at strategic points so that the mail may be rushed to them when the ports are fog bound, and it is believed that the improved facilities. for overcoming treacherous weather will make it possible to maintain fast schedules throughout the winter.
In the Pacific northwest and the Siskiyou mountain country, specially built motorcycles and sidecars, manned by ex-race drivers, are being stationed to speed the mail between planes when the air service is interrupted by rough weather.
Where QUALITY Counts
rpecify REIDtvOOID from f6 Crlif.
- San Francicco t'I went home found this hat on unexpectedly the the dining room other afternoon table." and
Husband (on phone): "Sorry, honey, but we've got a big business deal on here, and I won't get home to dinner. In fact, it wiil be quite late before I get home."
Wifey: "Can I depend on that?"
National Lumber Manufacturers Association Adds Technical Man To Headquarters
Washington, Oct. 3.-The Trade Extension Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association announces that L. N. E,rickson, of the Western Electric Company, Chicago, has been added to the staff of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association as assistant wood technologist and lumber standards engineer. This addition to the staff was made necessary because of Arthur T. Upson's transfer to the management of the nelvly established New York office, in which position he rvill be able only to exercise supervision in his former field.
Lumber Plant Destroyed By Fire
The Miller Box and Lumber Co. plant, Los Angeles, was destroyed by fire on Saturday, October 8. The damage rvas estimated at over $100.000.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Mraufacturcrr of California White & Sugar Pine Millr at Suranville and Hilt, Cdif.
Quality And Service
Moulding-Lattice{ut Up Stock
Thick Pattern Lumber
Try a car and you will repe3t.
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Seler Dept. Firrt Nationel Bank Bldgo San Francirco.
The value of selling the architect

{S the professional adviser of his ^ ^ client, the architect is in a position where he determines the purchase of building materials.
Nearly 90% of all the building operations in the country are either corDpletely controlled, or largely influenced by architects.' Even where buildings areerected without the services of an architect, the choice of materials is largely made in emulation of work which has been designed by architects.
Hence the fact that our nationwide advertising campaign includes some nine different advertising publicarions, with a circulation totaling about 70,000, although thereare only 7,000 architecturalofices in the country. Most offices subscribe to three or four architectural publications, and in many cases several members of the same organization subscribe to the same magazine. So whatever archite&ural publication an architect picks up to read, he is apt to find one of our advertisements in it.
'tilUe tell architects about the merits of !7est Coast woods to increase your business, and thus create more business for ourselves. And you can help increase your business by tieing up with our campaign-by letting people know that you handle '!7est Coasr woods. We will be glad to furnish you with illusffated literature for distribution to local architedts, corrtrzCtors and prospective builders, and supply free mats for advertising your business in local newspapers. It will pay you to write for complete details of our dealer-help service. Just address 'V7est Coast Lumber Burcau, 562 Stuart Building, Seattle, 'Wash.