2 minute read
New Goodyear Super Pneumatic Cushion Tire Offers Greater Cushioning Abitities and Mileage Possibilities
By C. W. Bradbury, Truck Tire Service Co.
In the last few years the demand for cushion tires has increased tremendously. Truck operators have come to realize that cushioning and long mileage are worth buying, particularly when the initial price is low in proportion to the added value that it buys.
Goodyear has met this demand fully with the new Super Pneumatic Cushion Tire, which, incidentally, does not in any way replace the standard pneumatic cushion, which will be continued in the Goodyear line. The new superpneumatic is an addition to the Goodyear line and in no way a revision of the old type.
This new Goodyear in the nine-, ten- and twelve-inch sizes are altogether new, and we firmly believe that there are more miles of service per dollar of cost in this new Goodyear Super Pnuematic than in any other tire built today. The rate of tread wear is slow because the material going into the tire is the purest, strongest and most resilient that Goodyear can build. The tire eases over obstructions without battering itself to destruction; the very height of the tire reduces tread rvear because the great mass of rubber absorbs the shocks so easily. Abrasion is reduced as impacts are reduced and the Super Cushion does not fight the road.
As for cushioning, no accurate comparison with pneumatic tires can be made because the relation of pneumatic and cushion tires changes with every change of speed, load and road condition. I{owever, this new Goodyear is the most resilient, in our opinion, and the fastest acting cushion tire on the market. It will absorb shocks more completely and more quickly with less movement of truck axles and bodies than any other cushion tire.
Gooilyear Super Tire.
When one views this new Goodyear for the first time, its size make the first impression. The new Goodyear Super Pneumatic is big ! The five-inch size is one-half inch higher than the standard Pneumatic Cushion; the sixinch is six-tenths of an inch higher than the standard; the seven-inch is one inch higher and the eight-inch is one and one-half inches higher than any tire Goodyear has previously built.
W. H. Falconbury, president of the Falconbury Lumber Co., Stockton, spent a couple of days in San Francisco about the first of the month. IIe is one of Stockton's best boosters.
This new tire is not a cure-all for every case of overloading and overspeeding that presents itself. It will not do the work that the Goodvear l{eavv Dutv Cushion cannot do and it should not bi asked to do the work that the Heavy Duty Cushion Tire should do. However, it will handle thousands of jobs better, for a longer time, and at a lower cost per mile. than other tires. Also, like other tires, it will fail if, out of over-confidence and enthusiasm, it is asked to do the impossible.
This new Goodyear is a real cushion tire. It is a tire as high in cross-section in all sizes and higher in some sizes than any other tire; it exceeds in cushioning ability any other tire built and costs less per mile to operate. In a word, it is a tire that gives added meaning to Goodyear's promise of cushion, traction and mileage.
H. C.
Clark Back At His Desk Again
H. C. Clark, Los Angeles, Southern California's representative of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., is back at his desk again after undergoing a slight operation on his hand. He reports that his hand is now convalescing nicely and that he is spending some time calling on his customers.