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Los Angeles Building Industries Launch Mod er nizin g Movement
At a meeting sponsored by the Builders' Exchange of Los Angeles on Tuesday evening, October 8, a home modernization campaign for Los Angeles was launched. The meeting was held at the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. 125 attended the meeting and representatives of the lumber, millwork, building and loan, and building material interests were present.
Following dinner, J. B. Webster, first vice president of the Builders' Exchange of Los Angeles, called the meeting to order and introduced Mano Zan, secretary and qeneral manager of the Builders' Exchange of Los Angeles, as chairman of the meeting. In addressing the meeting. Mr. Zan stated that the purpose of the meeting was to acquaint all branches of the building industries of Los Angeles with the modernizalion movement and to give the details of the plan formulated to carry on the work. He expressed appreciation to Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service As- sociation, Los Angeles, and D. H. McDonald, The California Home Buildlr, Los Angeles, for their assistance in getting the meeting together.
Tallis on modernization were made by.the following: Sherman Crandall, president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Sylvester Weaver, Weaver-Henry Corporation, Los Angeles; Ray B. Cox, Built-In-Fixture Co., Berkeley; C. H. Thrane, General Electrical Supply Corp., I-os Angeles: .W- W. Wood. The Merchants' Plumber. Angeles; W. W. Merchants mber, Los Angeles; J. V. Carson, Title Ins. & Trust Co., Los Angeles ; A. A. Anderson,. Pacific Coast Bldg. & Loan Asso- geles; A. Pacific -iation, Los Angeles; M. S. Scoville, Home Owners Finance Corp., Los Angeles; and Neill Davis, California Building Loan League, Los Angeles.
A molion was unanimously passed electing Mano Zan, temporary chairman, and D. H. McDonald, temporary secretary, to build up and create the necessary machinery to carry on the modernization program.