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Abbeys Register and Tear Book
Western Lunber Inductrlr a929 Edttton Now Readlr
A minutc ud acqrate guide to all branche of the Lunba Indwky ot Washingto, Oregon, Califm:a, Idaho, Mmtana, Colcado, Nendan Artzoe, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, Wyomtng, AlaglG, British Columbia, thc Philippinec md Hawali.
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Sherlock BIdg., Portland, Ore.
Tom Work, Jr. and Stervart Work, T. A. Work Lumber Co., Monterev, and J. O. I{andley, Frank Murphy and A. D. Uzzel\ N{urphy Building Supply Co., Carmel, made up the party. They returned to Monterey the follorving Sunday morning. Stervart Work does not appear in the accompanying photograph as he acted as the photographer.