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Frank F. Fish, Secretary-Treasurer National Hardwood Association, Dies
Frank F. Fish, secretary-treasurer of the National:Hardwood Lumber Association, died at Chicago on iMonday, September 30, following a heart attack on the preceding Saturday while attending luncheon at the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago.
He was a prominent figure in the hardwood industry for many years.
Mr. Fish was born in Racine, Wis., May 21, 1871. In 1904 he became secretary-treasurer of the National Haqdwood $ssociation. Funeral services were held in Chicago, on Wednesday morning, October 2; the body was taken to Racine, Wis., for burial.
Mr. Fish is.survived by his widow, Mrs. Ann Stack Fish, his son, Paul R. Fish of Chiiago, and a brother, Carlton Fish of Chicago.