5 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Ag. not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some less
The Colored Preacher's Prayer
Someone got hold of one of my nigger preacher stories from "CULLUD" FUN, and worked it over. He left off the inftoduction, and sirnply padded the prayer with a few extras, and here is the way it ends up, as I read it the other day in an insurance firm's house organ:
"Oh, Lawd ! Give me dis evenin' de eye of an eagle an de wisdom of de owl ! Conneck my soul wid de gospel telepho,ne in de central skies ! Luminate my brow wid de blessed sunshine of heaven ! Lectrify my brain wid de lightnin' of dy Word ! Prison my mind wid de love of de peepul ! Put 'petual moshun in me thu an thu ! Turpentine my'magination! Grease my lips wid possum oil! Fill me plumb full of de dynamite of dy glory ! Anoint me all oveh {vid de kerosene of dy salvation ! Set me on fiah wid de torch of magnanimous love an send me out in dis worl't'do my nachal duty !"
Retailers' Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 11)
Retail Lumber Associations at Denver, Atrgust 24-25, which he described as an "indignation meeting" on the question of distribution at which I2,I2O retailers were represented. He read the resolution on distribution passed at that meeting.
Mr. Patten also reported on the meeting he attended in Washington on September 12, and stressed the need of real cooperation and teamwork, reminding the retailers that they have a lot of power if they will only stick together and use it.
Answering the talk that is heard that many dealers are dissatisfied with the code, he told of a questionnaire sent out in the Southern California division and the answers received, showing an almost unanimous vote that the code is a good thing both for employers and employees; a very heavy vote in favor of minimum prices; a 2/2 to 1 vote against the statement that the code is more benefit to the big dealer than the small dealer, and about a 13 to 1 vote against the abolition of the code.
D. C. McGinness, executive assistant to the State Administrator, talked on "The Federal Housing Program," and exhibited a talking picture on the subject.
President Lake called for a standing vote of thanks to Spencer D. Baldwin for his splendid address.
Following the invitation of Glenn Miner, Whiting-Mead Co., San Diego, to hold the 1935 convention in San Diego, it was unanimously decided to accept the invitation.
C. W. Pinkerton presented the report of the resolutions committee.
The convention then adiourned.
Friday Evening ben Maisler, Maisler Bros. Lumber Co., Fresno, had charge of the luncheon, the banquet and the entertainment.
The annual banquet of the Association was held at 7:3O p.m.
This was followed by an entertainment program of RKO vaudeville acts and NBC radio entertainers from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Entertainment for ladies was provided throughout the dav.
The program committee consisted of Warren Tillson, chairman; W. K. Kendri,ck, Ralph Duncan and Chas. G. Bird.
Saturday Morning
The new State Board of Directors held their organization meeting at 7:30 a.m.
RESOLVED. That the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in Convention assembled at Fresno this 12th day of October, 1934, do hereby:
"Reaffirm their belief in the necessity for the maintenance of the cost protection clause of the Retail Lumber Code.
"Endorse the proposed $30,000,000 Veterans Home Bond Issue on the November ballot, and recommend that such changes be made in the procedure of the welfare board as to enable contractors and material dealers to build and furnish materials with definite assurance of the state accepting the property.
"Endorse the candidacy of Frank Merriam for Governor and George Hatfield for Lt. Governor, and dedicate our best efiorts individually and collectively to combat through the ballot any activities ultimately leading to social upheaval and industrial and financial chaos.
"Commend the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association upon their constructive program for the promotion and use of timber products as follows:
Legislative efforts looking toward a fair opportunity for lumber in school buildings particularly and in all types of buildings so far bulldlngs an( as earthquake safety is concerned;
Furnishing of technical and con construction information on the use of lumber and allied products to Boards of Education engineers, architects, state 4nd city building officials and others;
Organizing and conducting full size tests of portions of buildings, such as floors, partitions, etc., for the purpose of demonstrating their suitability for earthquake resistant buildings, preparation of pamphlets and other publicity setting forth the desirability of wood frame school buildings.
Demonstration to school boards, engineers, architects and others that wood frame cohstruction and wood sash is equal or superior to certain other types of construction activity advocated by the proponents of other materials.
Be It Further Resolved that we express our sincere appreciation for the efficient and intelligent.manner in which Mr, A. C. Horner and Mr. T. E. Combs have untiringly devoted their time and efforts to the promotion of this program.
"Petilion the proper authorities at Washington, D. C., to instruct the various governmental purchasing officers to recognize and be governed by protests offered by the State NRA Compliance Directbrs for California against awarding business of any kind to bid- ders who are violating provisions of the Retail Lumber and Building Material Code.
"Heartily thank the following contributors to the success of our convention, namely:
Warren Tillson, who arranged a program which has not been exceeded in interest in any previous convention;
Ben Maisler, who has worked untiringly for the entertainment of those in attendance:
The Hotel Californian for providing exceptional hospitality; California Lumber Merchant and the ?acific Retail Lumberman, who have given unsparingly of their space to publicize the Convention:
And to the many others whose efforts contributed to the success of the Convention.
"Wish to express their deep feeling of appreciation.to Harry A.
Lake, Earl Johnson and E. T. Robie for their enthusiastic and unselfish devotion of time to the afiairs of the association.
"Express by a standing vote their very deep appreciation to Mr. Spencer D. Baldwin, President of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association for the wonderful address presented, and his uqllrjng efforts for the betterment of the retail lumber industry.
"That the President of this Association be instructed to present a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Baldwin."
Carl W. Watts . .J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco
Ben M4isler Maisler Bros. Lumber Co.. Fresno
!4. I-. Euphrat ...Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco
J. C. Snead, Jr. ...Wendling-Nathan Co., Fresno
R. E. Hills ,...Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco
D. H. LeBreton Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco
John V. Creath ...Central Coast Lumber Yards, Morro Bay
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy ..Wholesa1er. Fresno
Jim Farley .The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco
Harold J. Ford. .....Sec., S. J. Lumbermen's Club, Fresno
G. A. Kramer ...The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Kendrick ..Valley Lumber Co., Fresno
Warren S. Tillson ...Modesto Lumber Co.. Modesto
Lon S. Garrett .....The Pacific Lumber Co.. Fresno
Geo. W. Robinson ....Retail Lbr. Code Authority, Stockton
Bill Morrison Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., Sacramento
W. G. Kahman ...........Shev1in Pine Sales Co.. San Francisco
Chas. T. Gartin ...Schafer Bros. Lbr. & Shingle Co., San Francisco
Francis E. Boyd ..Boyd Lumber & Mill Co. Santa Barbara
Burton Boyle Cross Lumber Co,, Coalinga
Mead Clark .Mead Clark, Santa Rola
John H. Tyson ..Sunset Lbr. Co.. Oakland
H. M. Isenhower... ..Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.. Sacramento
Glen M. Miner. ..Whiting-Mead Co., San Diego
H. L. Miner ...Whiting-Mead Co., San Dieso
Frank F. Minard .C. S. Pierce Lumber Co.. Fresno
J, B. McKeon .........Retail Code Authority, Inc., San Francisco
F. W. Burgers .... ..Union Lbr. Co., San Francisco
I. E. Brink Diamond Match Co.. Chico
F. H. Dettmann........Allen & Dettman Lbr. Co.. San Francisco
Mrs. Ada H. March ...W. B. March Lumber Co., Ivanhoe
C. Reenders ..Inland Lumber Inst., San Bernardino
C. Hexberg ......Union Lumber Co., San Francisco
Mason E. Kline ...Union Lumber Co., Los Angeles
Henry M. Hink ........Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co., San Franiisco
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers. .Square Deal Lumber Co., Salinas
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Rathbone . , ;. Sec., San Fernando Lbr. Club, Van Nuys
Lew Love .......Sec., Lumbermen's Service Bur., Modesto
S. J. Hauge .Sec., Redwood Empire Lbr. Club. Santa Rosa
M. A. Harris ..Van Arsdale-Harris Lbr. Co., San Francisco
(Continued on Page 14)