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Pacific Coast Hardwood \Tholesale Distributors Hold Annual Meeting at Santa&ttlina lsland

A large group of Pacific Coast wholesale hardwood distributors left by boat from Wilmington, Thursday morning, October 11, for Santa Catalina Island, to attend the annual conventions of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Flooring Wholesale Distributors Association and the .Pacific Coast Hardwood Wholpsale Distributors Association which 'were held at the Hotel St. Catherine, Avalon, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October ll, 12 and 13.

- The Pacific Coast Hardwood Flooring Wholesale Distributors Association convened on Thursday afternoon, with President Frank Connolly of Los Angeles presiding.

The business sessions of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Wholesale Distributors Association were held on Friday and Saturday. President H. W. Swafiord of Los Angeles opened the convention with an address of welcome. Among the principal subjects discussed were the lumber codes and the Federal Housing Act. J. Fyfe Smith of Vancouver,

Visits California

H. W. "Tim" Prestono sales manager, Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore., was in San Francisco, October 8 o! his way home from Southern California, where he was called to attend the funeral of his mother, who recently passed away in Hollywood. Mr. Preston was accompanied by Mrs. Preston.


B. C., D. J. Cahill and Kenneth Smith of Los Angeles, C. ' H. White of San Francisco and A. A. Frost of San Diego addressed the convention.at the Friday sessions. Fred W. Marlow of Los Angeles, district manager of the'Federal housing program in Soutliern California, discussed the National Housing Act at the business session on Saturday morning.

The annual banquet was held Friday evening with an excellent entertainment furnished by Fanchon & Marco, Inc. Many of the delegates played golf Saturday afternoon and Sunday, while others took in the various'attractions on the Island. Delegates in attendance were registered from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.

A complete report of the conventions will be published in the November I issue.

Gr"en Package Wallboard

Announcement is made by the Wheeler Osgood Sales Organization, Tacoma, manufacturers of Laminex plywood, that they are now putting out their Laminex Wallboard in a distinctive green package which has real "sight appeal."

The green package bears on its end a red label,-thus conforriing to- the iolor scheme of red on a green background used by the corporation on all its stationery and advertising matter in connection with the Laminex line' They feel that the innovation will be a factor in creating more business for Laminex dealers throughout the country.

There are 10 sheets of wallboard in each package, 48 inches rvide, and in lengths of from 5 to ll feet.

The Whpeler Osgood- Sales Corporation has sales offices at 2153 Sacramento Street, Los Angeles, and 3045 Nineteenth Street, San Francisco.

Back From Northern Trip

H. A. Libhey, general manager of Hobbs, Wall & Co., San Francisco, returned October 8 from a lGday trip to the company's sawmill at Crescent City.

Blubber Bay Llne

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