9 minute read
Ten From the Files of The Years Ago Today
California Lumber Merchant, Octo6er 15, 1924
"Andy" Donovan will be chairman of the day at the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo meeting on October 17.
This issue carries a sketch with photographs of several of San Bernardino's retail lumber yards. *!F*
Allan Turner of San Francisco, Northern California representative for the Gerlinger Lumber Co. of Portland, has been appointed California sales representative for the Metropolitan Redwood Co. ***
William A. Peck, formerly Pacific Coast sales manager for the Haynes Automobile Corporation, has taken the position of general sales manager for Glasby & Company of Los Angeles. ***
Lumber imports to San Francisco showed a gain over August. Total imports for September including the interior, coast ports and Washington and Oregon, were 75,203,000 feet as compared with 67,367,000 feet for the month of August.
San Francisco building permits for the first six months of. 1924 totaled $26,157,670. Oakland's building construction for the same period amounted to $14,392,135; Berkeley $4,330,675 and, Alameda $1,717,462.
There is an article and photograph of the attractive booth of the Kerckhofi-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co. at the San Fernando Valley Fair. ***
W. J. (Bill) Lawrence, who has been Los Angeles manager of the Albion Lumber Company, has resigned and will go east to represent the California White & Sugar Pine Company.
Fresno Hoo-Hoo organized a Club on October 9. Martin D. Johnson is president of the Club. Frank Minard is the new Vicegerent Snark of the Fresno District.
Jack Rea announces that the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo dinner dance will be held at the Vista Del Arrova Hotel. Pasadena, the evening of October 30. **:k
J. C. Ferger, president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, has called a meeting for Saturday noon, October 18, at Fresno.
The Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. of Los Angeles has purchased the Escondido Lumber Co. at Escondido. ***
R. E. Seward, popular Los Angeles lumberman, was married to Miss Constance Mitchell of Seattle on September 17. The ceremony took place at the bride's home in
Seattle, after which they through the Northwest. spent their honeymoon touring ***
Walter P. Medill of San Francisco was married to Mildred L. Cutten of Oakdale, Calif., at San Francisco on October 1. Mr. Medill is sales manager for McKay & Co. *,F*
Joe Restine, new Vicegerent Snark of the San Diego District, is making plans for an active Hoo.Hoo year and has already completed the appointment of his Hoo-Hoo Nine. t*rf,
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 of San Francisco held their regular luncheon at the Palace Hotel. Rod Hendrickson, the newly elected president for the ensuing year, presided. ***
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club held a golf tournament at the Rancho Club on October 10. Joe Chapman of the La Brea Materials Company was the low gross winner and gained permanent possession of the silver trophy donated by the Hipolito Company.
Frank J. O'Connor was re-elected president of the Shipowners' Association at the Association's annual meeting held in San Francisco. L. C. Stewart was elected vice-1 president.
Charlie Ward, who has followed the wholesale lumber business in the San Francisco Bay District during the past year, has joined the sales force of the Redwood Manufacturers Co. at Pittsburg, Calif. ,f**
The Cloverdale Lumber Co. has been sold to the A. F. Stevens Lumber Co. of Healdsburg. :ftrf,
In the leading editorial, "That Knew Not Joseph," Jack Dionne says: "I am indebted to that excellent writer of business philosophy, Bruce Barton, for this wonder little advertising thought. He used it one time in illustrating a talk on the necessity of keeping eternally at it in the business of publicity." r * )f,
A. B. Wastell, manager of the State Retail Association, states that a record attendance will be present at the annual convention to be held at Los Angeles on November 7th and 8th.
Heads Creo-Dipt Co.
The Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., of North Tonawanda, N. Y., has reorganized and H. P. Kendall, Jr., has resumed active management of the business as president and general manager. Mr. Kendall was one of the principals of the original Creo-Dipt business, almost from its inception, becoming president and general manager.
In 1927 Mr. Kendall disposed of his interest and resigned as president and general manager. During the past four yearsr he has been a general supervisor in the group insurance division of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, at their home office in New York City.
Associated with Mr. Kendall will be Fred Engelking, chairman of the board, Stephen R. Kiehel, vice president, and W. W. Faulkner, secretary and treasurer. , Headquarter offices will be maintained at North Tonawanda, N. Y., and plants will be operated in North Tonawanda, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio, and Seattle, Wash.
E. L. Fifield
Eugene Langdon Fifield, well known Pacific Coast lumberman, died in San Francisco, October 8. Mr. Fifield was born at Lee, Maine, in 1872. His parents moved to Gold Run, Calif., when he was six months old and then to St. Helena, Calif., rvhere he passed his boyhood and school days.
He entered the lumber business in San Francisco in 1892 as, an employe of the late C. A. Hooper. going to San Pedro in 1896 to work for the San Pedro Lumber Co. In 1899 he went to Olympia, Wash., as manager of the West Side Lumber Co., three vears later becoming foreman of the Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. plant at Portland. In 1896 he became manager of the Pittock & Leadbetter mill at Vancouver, Wash., later starting his own wholesale lumber business at Portland. Ife came to San Francisco in 1915 where he maintained a wholesale lumber. door and veneer business.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ann Fifield, and four children, Eugene J., Harold, Ralph and Margaret Fifield; a sister, Mrs. Alice Howell, and his mother, Mrs. Ella Fifield, both of Los Angeles. Funeral services were held on October 11.

Will Open Los Anseles Office
The Silvercote Products Inc. of Chicago, I11., manufacturers of insulation products, is opening an office in Los Angeles with J. D. Dux as Pacific Coast manager. His territory will include the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. C. E. Steadman is president of the company, and Tom V. Sawyer, vice-president and sales manager.
Change Of Office
, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. and Schafer Bros. Steamship Lines announce the removal of their Los Angeles office to 1226 W. M. Garland Bldg., 117 West 9th street, effective October 15. Their new telephone number is TRinity 4271.
Blubber Bay Lime
Blubber Bay Lime, distributed by The Kingsley Company of California, Pier 17, San Francisco, is a wood burned product 'of exceptional purity, which is manufactured in several forms to meet the general and special requirements of building, agriculture and industry in California.
The principal forms in which it is made are lump quicklime, crushed quicklime, processed quicklime, builders and chemical hydrated lime, and agricultural lime.
Blubber Bay processed lime is their fresh white lime, pulverized and processed to uniform fineness. Packed in 9O-pound airtight iron drums and 6o-pound five-ply paper bags, it is suited to the needs and preferences of large and small users in building and industry.
For the building trade it slakes quickly, at uniform temperature, to a smooth plastic putty. All waste is eliminated and screening is optional.
For chemical and industrial use, the constant volume of this processed lime and the ease and accuracy with which quantities may be measured and formulae determined, make it particularly desirable.
All country. dealers will find Blubber Bay processed quicklime in 9O-pound drums a most convenient and desirable product for their trade.
It meets every requi.rement of lump lime-is a clean, air-tight "one man" package which can be easily carried in the customer's car. It will keep in good condition for an indefinite time and occupies a minimum of warehouse space.
The Kingsley company has warehouses at 96O Seventh street, (corner Berry) San Francisco, and at Grove Street Dock, Oakland.
H. L. Hunter is manager of the company, and R. M. James is the salesman who calls on the trade throughout Northern California.
Back From European Trip
William Smith, president of the Smith Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned recently from a threemonths' European trip, on which he was accompanied by his daughter. Mr. and Miss Smith visited England, Scotland and France, and saw many places of historic interest in each country. They made the return voyage through the Panama Canal.
Mr. Smith says a considerable measure of prosperity has returned to England, in spite of the fact that they still have a serious unemployment problem. The people seemed to be happy, and he found that railway holiday travel was heavy, indicating that many people had money to spend.
Ijumbermen Attend Baseball Game
A group of lumbermen were the guests of Joe Means at a "Little World's Series" game at Wrigley Field, Los Angeles, on Friday afternoon, October 5, when the Los Angeles team, winners of the Pacific Coast League baseball championship, played the Pacific Coast League AllStars. Before the game started everybody handed in their score of the game but there was su,ch a variance of scores, Joe says it will take at least a couple of weeks to figure out who won the contest.
Los sale. chant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Mer-
For Sale
Stock of lumber and hardware. This will bear the closest investigation. Location right in the heart of a fastgrowing section. In fact the fastest growing section in the U. S. Yard and buildings can be leased. Someone will pick this up very soon-so you must act quickly. Address Box C-521 California Lumber Merchant.
At Los rvith J. H.
Experienced Retail Yard Manager
Wants California connection. Thoroughly trained all phases Retail operations; competent accountant and estimator; and aggressive merchandiser. Handle both City and Ranch trade; can use plan service effectively. 'Want connection where demonstrated worth will mean permanence, preferably with opportunity to buy interest in firm. Address Box C-520, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman, 20 years' experience wants position. Knows
LUMBER YARD FOR SALE all phases of retail business. Last 12 years in Los AnGatos, California, to close estate. Communicate geles, Age 40, family man, sober, and not a Has-Been. Walsh, Los Gatos Lumber Co., Los Gatos. Address Box C-523. care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumbermen's Post Meets Home Modernization Active
Lumbermen's Post No. 403, American Legion, held their monthly meeting at the Rosslyn Hotel, Los Angeles, Tuesday evening, October 9. Commander Leo Hubbard presided. Nelson G. Welburn, assistant lecturer, Bureau of Public Relations, Emergency Relief Association State of California, was the principal speaker and gave an interesting and instructive talk on the activities o{ the SERA' Lumbermen's Post rvill hold another "Lumbermen's Frolic" on the evening of December 14. Stuart Smith, Coos Bay Lumber Company, has been appointed general chairman of the arrangements committee. Tickets will be $1.50 each.
The Post is taking a block of tickets for the St' Mary-U. C. L. A. football game that will be held at the Los Angeles coliseum on Armistice Day. Theodore Stearns, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, is chairman of the ticket committee. The St. Mary-U. C. L. A. game is an annual attraction and is sponsored by the American Legion posts in the Los Angeles district. Lumbermen who are planning on taking in this game can secure their tickets from the members of the Lttmbermen's Post. The tickets for the game are $1.65 each.

The Post is taking an active part in the campaign regarding Proposition No. 1, the $30,000,000 Bond Issue for Veterans' Ifomes, which will appear on the November ballot. It was voted to send telegrams to the California Retail Lumbermen's Association who were holding their'annual meeting at Fresno on October ll, 12 and 13, and to the Hardwood Wholesale Distributors who were also in annual session at Santa Catalina Island on the same dates, urging the passage of Proposition No. 1.
Six new members were admitted at the meeting. The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening, November 13.
In Long Beach
Home modernization was responsible for more than half the building permits issued at Long Beach during the month of September, according to city officials. Permits for September totaled $120,125, with $70,000 of that amount expended on dwelling modernization. Permits for the first nine months of the year total $1,596,790.
Committee Chairmen Named
The following have been chosen as chairman of the various committees for the coming year by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39:
Public Affairs, Larue Woodson; Membership, Gordon D. Pierce; Finance, Earle E. Johnson; Attendance, Jas. B. Overcast; Entertainment, C. I. Gilbert; Reception, Bert E. Bryan; Fraternal, Chas. S. Lamb; Publicity, Clement Fraser; Sport, Henry M. Hink; Educational, Prof. Emanuel Fritz.
Dr. Compton Appointed Lecturer
Washington, Sept. 26.-The Washington Evening Star announced on September 9 that Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, had been appointed a special lecturer in economics at the George Washington University. The Star article further said that Dr. Compton would give a seminar on government control and industry planning which would deal with contemporary problems in the relationships between business and government. A number of government officials are atready registered for this unique course.