1 minute read


* lot greater 9W * lot sreater Srrlnomry and los grcater gonlila

Over cr million leet oI 4-SQUARE Endless Lumber wcrs used in the buildings ct Hollywood Park-'<gain demon' strcrting the exticr building vcrlues which result when this improved lumber is employed.

Endless Lumber is tongued crnd grooved on ends crnd edges. This leature sqves mqny labor hours on the iob. Joining over the lrcrming members is not necesscry with this matericrl. The tongues crnd grooves lorm solid, permcnent joints cnywhere in the course. This eliminqtes cl vqst qmount oI the cutting, trimming crnd fitting required when regulqr lumber ioined over the lrcming members is employed.

Furthermore, Endless Lumber can be cpplied dicgoncrlly without increcsing costs. For shecrthing crnd sub-floors, dicgoncl crpplicction increqses the strength oI the lloors cnd walls qs much ss seven times. Wilh the tongues crnd grooves in Endless, scwing is required only crt the end ol the run cnd openings.

With this double cdvcrntcrge oI grecrter building stcrbility cnd grecter building economy' it's pertectly clecrr why decrlers hcmdling Weyerhcreuser 4-SQUARE Endless Lum' ber enioy the prelerred position lor securing grecter lum' ber volume cnd grecter lumber profits.

II you hqve not crlrecdy heqrd the lull story oI Endless Lumber, invest thirty minutes and listen to it. Write lor lull pcrticulcrs.

*Advertigements appear in alternate issue. American Lumber and Treating Co--------- 9

Andeteon & Middleton Lumber Co.------------*

Anglo California Lumber Co.--------------------*

Armrtrong Cook Producc Co.---------------- r'

Atkinron-Stutz Company

Baxter & Co. J. H.--------------------------------------2O

Booth-Kelly Lumber Co*---------------

Brookmite, f nc.---------------

Burns Lumber Co--------


Celotex Corpotation, The------------r- -----------15-23

Cobb Co., T. M. ----------- ----------29

Coopet, Wilfred T.--- --------- ----------------------25

Curtis Companies Seryice Bureau------------

Douglas Fir Plywood Association---- ---- ------- - 25

Eubanks & Son, fnc., L. H.------ --------------------*-27

Gamergton & Green-------Gorman Lumber Co.--------------- ---- -----------------.29

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