1 minute read


Going and Coming

Max Cook, The Pacific spent several days in the first of the month.

Lumber Company, San Francisco, Los Angeles territory around the at

Val Baskett, Baskett Lumber Co., Whittier, has returned

Lloyd Milne, Macco Lumber Co., Clearrvater, reports a successful hunting trip in Utah.

Iferman and Mrs. Mexico.

Loehr, Suverkrupt Loehr, vacationed Lumber Company, Riverside, a 'iveek at Carlsbad. New

Albert A. Schafer, vice-president, and Carl Schafer, in charge of maintenance, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash., visited the company's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices the earlv Dart of the month.

Don Philips, Larvrence-Philips and Mrs. Philips, have returned National Park.

Lumber Co., Los Angeles, from a visit to Yosemite

George Gorman, Gorman Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Reeves Taylor, ma,nager of the Trans-Pacifi,c Lumber Co., Port Orford, Ore., were recent Los Angeles visitors on business.

Merchandising Institute Names

Educational Director

Following a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Merchandising Institute of the National Retail Lumber l)ealers Association, Inc., in Chicago, September 23, Hawley W. Wilbur, president, announced that Paul E. Kendall has been unanimously elected to serve as educational director oI the Institute's sales development program which will be launched this fall.

"This choice of Mr. Kendall is a particularly happy one," said Mr. Wilbur. "He combines a wealth of practical experience in various phases of the lumber and building material business with a wi'de personal acquaintance in the industry. His first job was that of helper in a lumber yard and he subsequently served yards in Kansas, Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma in every capacity up to manager and part owner. He spent several years with the FerryHanly Advertising Agency, handling the advertising of the Southern Pine Association and developing that association's sales promotion activities' For 15 years he vrras advertising and sales promotion manager for the Long-Bell Lumber Company, and was selected to serve as one of two manufacturers' representatives on the Merchandising Council of the National Retail Lttmber Dealers Association.

"For over a year, Mr. Kendall acted as F.H.A. Administrator for Missouri, successfully inaugurating and carrying out that agency's activities in that state. He also served for one year as secretary-manager of the National Door Manufacturers Association. Recently, he has been in r-Larqe of developing a farm marketing division for JohnsManville."

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