3 minute read

Calilornia Retailers' Annual Convention Nov. 3-4-5

The 19th annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, November 3, 4 and 5, 1938.

The business program this year is so worth while, so packed with valuable "how to" pointers on meeting today's many new problems that you just cannot afford to be anywhere except "The Huntington" in Pasadena on the convention dates. Here are some of the highlights of the pro- subject will be "Auction Block or Price Control."

"The Keystone of the Arch" by R. E. Saberson, of Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., St. Paul, Minn., one of the ablest speakers in this country on lumber merchandising.

Mr. Saberson insists that lumber dealers are now facing one of the greatest merchandising opportunities that ever came to a retail industry. He discusses the unusual combination of existing circumstances and the new factors which are changing lumber yards from what they once were into what they are going to be. FIe tells yotl $rhJ' certain dealers are now making more m,oney than at any time in their careers while other dealers are going broke because of their failure to recognize "the keystone of the arch."

Mr. Saberson does not deal in theories. His position keeps him in daily touch with lumber dealers from coast to coast. He thinks, reads, and talks better lumber merchandising 365 days in the year.

What You Want to Know

Registration 9 to 12 Thursday morning, November 3.

Convention opens with luncheon at 12:15, featured by keynote address of Jack Dionne, and continues to 5 P.M.

gram arranged by the Committee:

An incisive study of "The Retail Lumbermen of the Future" by Jack Dionne, publisher, The California Lumber Merchant, inimitable reconteur and noted student of lumber distribution.

Cement and the Fair Trade Act Contracts.

"Coming Changes in Unemployment Reserves Laws," which will vitally affect your cost of doing business and your employment practices, by Carlton B. Tibbetts, president, Los Angeles Steel Casting Co., and member of the California Unemployment Reserves Commission.

"How to Reduce Taxes 5/o per year for Five Years."

"Ifow the Price Reporting and Cost Analysis Plan Operates" by W. C. Bell, aggressive and able manager of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and owner of "Lumber Promotion, Inc.," of Seattle.

"Industrial Relations and Public Relations-Other Names for Human Relations."

"'What Can We Do To Save Our Economic System" by Dr. Thomas Nixon Carver, professor of Political F,conomy, Emeritus, Harvard University-widely regarded as one of America's forenost economists. A brass tacks talk replete with every-day illustrations that you will never forget.

"What is Effect of 5/o Cash Discount on Credits and Collections ?"

"Present Day Costs of Doing Business."

"Can We Use The Unfair Practices Act ?l' Arthur A. Hood of New York City, manager, Housing Guild Division, Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, whose addresses at Eastern conventions on competitive practices and installment selling to consumers have been outstanding. His

Barbecue dinner Thursday night 6:30 P.M. at the pool, with diving exhibition and fine mrrsical entertainment.

Entertainment at luncheon Friday between the two business sessions.

Dinner Dance and Floor Show Friday night.

Bridge for the ladies one afternoon and a trip to internationally farned Fluutington Library and Art Gallery the other. La<lies are welcome at all luncheons, dinners and business sessions.

Registration fee for men $2.00. No registration fee for ladies.

Tickets for Friday night banquet $2.00 each. (The "Huntington" will deduct the regular dinner charge of $1.50 from bills of hotel guests.)

Both luncheons and the Thursday night dinner are included in American Plan special rate of $7.00 per day (two in a room). Those who are not hotel guests will pay the "Huntington" their regular meal charges on those three occasions.

Football tickets for the California-University of Southern California game at Los Angeles, November 5 are $2.75 each. The Committee does not have a block reserved but will be glad to get tickets for those who send their checks at once. The Committee will notify you they have the tickets ahd hotd them for your arrival. If you want them by registerecl return mail, add 20 cents to your check.

Five golf courses are available for those who may wish to play Wednesday afternoon or Saturday morning.

A special feature for Saturady morning is a trip through Huntington Library and Art Gallerv.

Attendance prizes rvill be arvarded at the beginning of each business session.

(Continued on Page 13)

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